Determination of minimum cover depth for shallow tunnel subjected to water pressure

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cklingdian
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Prediction of the state of roof collapse is a big challenge in tunnel engineering, while the limit analysis theory makes it possible to derive the analytical solutions of the collapse mechanisms. In this work, an exact solution of collapsing shape in shallow underwater tunnel is obtained by using the variation principle and the upper bound theorem based on nonlinear failure criterion. Numerical results under the effect of river water and supporting pressure are derived and discussed. The maximum water depth above the river bottom surface is determined under a given buried depth of shallow cavities and the critical depth of roof collapse is obtained under a constant river depth. In comparison with the previous results, the present solution shows a good agreement with the practical results. Prediction of the state of roof collapse is a big challenge in tunnel engineering, while the limit analysis theory makes it possible to derive the analytical solutions of the collapse mechanisms. In this work, an exact solution of collapsing shape in shallow underwater tunnel is obtained by using the variation principle and the upper bound theorem based on nonlinear failure criterion. The maximum water depth above the river bottom surface is determined under a given buried depth of shallow cavities and the critical depth of roof collapse is obtained under a constant river depth. In comparison with the previous results, the present solution shows a good agreement with the practical results.
8年前,大平从武汉一所有名的大学毕业,前往深圳寻求发展。在人才济济的深圳,本科毕业的大平占不到任何优势。一个月后,他无奈地选择了一家国际连锁的星级酒店,做了客房服务生。  他永远忘不了上班的第一天,那个看起来个头不高、长得有点猥琐的老头笑眯眯地问他:“听说你是大学毕业的,你知道我是什么毕业的吗?”大平摇摇头,说:“师傅,我不知道。”  老头很神气地回答了他:“我小学都没有读完!”师傅的话,像一记猛
“六一”是孩子们的节日,家长在这一天都要为孩子们准备礼物,中国金融出版社为家长们精心挑选了一批适合儿童和青少年阅读的图书,愿孩子们度过一个有意义的节日。 “61 ”
饭后家里闷热,我带儿子到小区广场纳凉。广场上有树,有休闲椅,还有各种健身器材,好多孩子已经在那儿玩了。我跟儿子说:“你也去玩吧!”儿子得了许可,跑进孩子堆儿里跟他们一起玩起了沙子。我找个椅子坐下,与其他几位家长一边闲聊一边看着孩子。  广场旁边有个工地,孩子们正玩的那一大堆沙子,就是施工单位运来的。沙子当然是孩子们的最爱,他们以沙堆为战场,几个大点的孩子站在沙堆顶上“防守阵地”,另一帮孩子从沙堆下
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