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目的:研究N肥、P肥及种植密度对裸花紫珠生物量、药材产量和活性成分的影响。方法:应用311-A混合最优回归设计,开展N、P及种植密度3因子组合试验,对比11个处理对裸花紫珠生物量、药材产量、活性成分含量及活性成分积累量的影响。结果:不同N、P及种植密度处理对裸花紫珠叶、枝、茎及地上部分生物量产生显著影响。3因子对有效生物量影响的大小顺序为N>P>密度。随施N量的增加,裸花紫珠药材产量显著提高。降低施P量及提高种植密度有利于提高药材产量。3因子对裸花紫珠叶片总黄酮含量影响的大小顺序为N>P>密度;对叶片总酚酸和总糖含量影响的大小顺序则为P>N>密度。低N有利于裸花紫珠叶、枝中黄酮物质的合成,低N或高P有利于总酚酸含量的提高,高N或低P有利于总糖含量的提高。11个处理中,处理4在裸花紫珠药材产量、总黄酮、总酚酸和总糖积累量上均显著高于其他处理,为最佳处理。结论:裸花紫珠药材适合的施肥与密度组合为N51.2 g/株、P_2O_5 11.8 g/株,株行距50 cm×80 cm;以单位面积换算即尿素2.76 t/hm~2、钙镁磷肥2.46 t/hm~2,种植密度25 000株/hm~2。 Objective: To study the effects of N fertilizer, P fertilizer and planting density on the biomass, medicinal material yield and active ingredient of Balsam pear flower. Methods: The 311-A mixed optimal regression design was used to test the effects of 11 treatments on biomass, medicinal materials, active ingredients and active ingredients accumulation of N, P and planting density. Results: Different N, P and planting densities had significant effects on the biomass of leaves, branches, stems and aboveground parts of Radix. The order of the three factors affecting the effective biomass was N> P> density. With the increase of N amount, the yield of nucifera radix medicine significantly increased. Reducing the amount of P fertilizer and increasing planting density will help increase the yield of medicinal herbs. The order of the three factors affecting the content of total flavonoids of Nostoc sp. Was N> P> density; the order of the order of the total phenolic acids and total sugar content was P> N> density. Low N is beneficial to the synthesis of flavonoids in the leaves and branches of Balsam pear. Low N or high P is beneficial to the increase of total phenolic acid content, while high N or low P is beneficial to the increase of total sugar content. Among the 11 treatments, treatment 4 was significantly better than the other treatments in yield, total flavonoids, total phenolic acids and total sugar, which was the best treatment. Conclusion: The suitable fertilization and density combination of Naked Radix Ophiopogon japonicus is N51.2 g / plant and P_2O_5 11.8 g / plant with spacing of 50 cm × 80 cm. The unit area is 2.76 t / hm ~ 2 of urea, Phosphate 2.46 t / hm ~ 2, planting density of 25 000 plants / hm ~ 2.
<正> 五、猪痢疾(血痢) 1.病原:猪痢疾蛇形螺旋体,为革兰氏阴性菌。 2.诊断:依据本病的流行病学,临床症状、剖检病变等可作出初步诊断。确诊必须依据实验室诊断,镜检或分离猪