
来源 :中国改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lszll2008
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编读往来编辑同志:本刊编辑部 我是《中国改革》月刊的老订户。可是,去年第四季度没收到贵刊,这是怎么回事?2000年贵刊办刊宗旨有没有变化? 安徽巢湖市宣传部 齐杰齐杰同志: 很抱歉,因为变更主管单位和报刊调整等方面的原因,我刊第四季度停刊,2000年恢复正常 Compilation of editorial comrades: editorial department I am “China’s reform” magazine’s old subscribers. However, the fourth quarter of last year did not receive your magazine, how is this going? There is no change in the purpose of your journal in 2000? Comrade Qi Jie Qi Jie, Propaganda Department, Chaohu City, Anhui Province: Sorry, because of the change of the competent authorities and the adjustment of newspapers and periodicals, I stopped the publication in the fourth quarter and returned to normal in 2000
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and risk factors of stroke-associated pneumonia(SAP)in patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage.Methods A total
保持长久幸福感的秘诀是忘记初恋的幸福时光,努力在下一段感情生活中获得新生。    12年前,小刚考取了京城一所著名大学,在那里邂逅了心爱的姑娘云儿。大二的第二学期,他们确立了恋爱关系。   他们就这样在大学校园里享受着爱情的芬芳。他殷勤地帮她在图书馆占位子,抢着到食堂帮她打饭打开水,请她看电影、逛公园,教她摄影、溜旱冰……小刚的细心和体贴让云儿感觉非常幸福。在大四做毕业论文的时候,两人选择了同一个
Axonal degeneration is a pivotal feature of many neurodegenerative conditions and substantially accounts for neurological morbidity. A widely used experimental
AIM To highlight the salient magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) features of the intraneural ganglion cyst(INGC) of various peripheral nerves for their precise diag
本刊讯据有关研究报告显示 ,中国城市零售药店的数量、规模正在向国际水平迈进。目前 ,我国各地零售药店数量的发展速度不一 ,北京、上海、广州等12个城市平均每家药店要服务
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