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以我国2004~2012年的A股上市公司数据为样本,实证检验了高管政府背景对会计信息债务契约结构有用性的影响。研究结果表明,我国上市公司会计信息债务契约结构具有有用性,但高管政府背景,尤其是地方政府背景削弱了会计信息债务契约结构的有用性,并且这一效应在政府干预较强的地区更加显著。进一步的研究显示,利用高管政府背景获得更长的债务期限结构,反而降低了公司价值。经验证据表明,高管政府背景导致了会计信息债务契约结构有用性的降低,其根源在于政府干预影响了银行信贷决策,而非政府隐性担保的结果。 Taking the data of A-share listed companies in China from 2004 to 2012 as samples, this paper empirically tests the influence of senior government on the usefulness of debt-contractual accounting information. The result shows that the debt contract structure of accounting information of listed companies in our country is useful. However, the background of senior government, especially the background of local government, weakens the usefulness of the debt-contractual structure of accounting information, and this effect is more in areas where government intervention is stronger Significant. Further research shows that using the government background of a senior government to obtain a longer debt maturity structure actually reduces the company’s value. Empirical evidence shows that the background of executive government led to the reduction of the usefulness of the debt-contractual structure of accounting information. The root cause is that government intervention affects the bank credit decision-making, instead of the result of government implicit guarantee.
今年初,北京市药品监督管理局印发了《2008年奥运会保健食品质量安全保障行动方案》,其中明确以重点旅游区等地域为中心,将外延500米范围内作为奥运重点保障区域。 Earlier
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令人期待!6月22-24日,2018年的C I T将再次在北京国家会议中心举办.经过多年的积累和发展,CIT 2018在“开拓、创新、融合”理念的支持下,已经形成众多别具一格且富有吸引力的
职场人时常腰酸背疼、失眠;他们站立时腰松背驼,身姿不够挺拔;弯腰时双手够不着地面……告别“亚健康”,不妨——    2011年1月,公司改组,人事调动频繁,我严重失眠,眼睛困得睁不开、潜意识却活跃异常,加上长期伏案疾书、久坐不动,加重了我的肩周炎,甚至到中断工作的地步。闺密建议我去旅游,可时机不允。老公办公室女同事流行“拉筋控”,他特意网购了一款拉筋凳,陪着我尝试拉筋疗法。  每晚20时,放上音乐