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众所周知,英语是世界上最重要的交际语言之一。阅读英语不仅能提高读者的阅读能力,还能扩大词汇量,接触更多英语语法知识,培养英文写作技巧,获得大量的社会文化、科学技术等有用信息。阅读并不象有人说的那么简单,即读者的任务只是打开眼睛“大门”,让意义信息源源不断地输入大脑。阅读需要读者利用脑中的已存信息,采取主动积极的态度,去理解分析作者的意 As we all know, English is one of the most important communication languages ​​in the world. Reading English can not only improve the reader’s reading ability, but also expand the vocabulary, contact more English grammar knowledge, develop English writing skills, access to a large number of social culture, science and technology and other useful information. Reading is not as simple as some people say, that is, the reader’s task is to open the “door” of the eye and let the meaning information flow into the brain continuously. Reading requires readers to use the existing information in the brain, take a proactive and positive attitude, to understand the analysis of the author’s intention
由于人们越来越认识到英语教学在全球的影响以及世界英语(World Englishes)的蔓延,现在读到一本非常适时的有关地球上人口最多的国家的英语教学的论文集,是令人高兴的。在过
For the various copper deposits studied during the year 1940 in the three southwestern provinces of Szechuan, Sikang and Yunnan, the possibilities of their sup
华东区林业科技信息委员会第二届五次常委扩大会暨学术研讨会和表彰会于 2002 年 9 月 18 ~ 21 日在浙江省天台县召开。台州市林业局、天台县委和县林业局领导到会祝贺并介绍
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一项以经验老到著称的法拉利,这段时间似乎在赛场上有找不着北的感觉。如何打破这一谜局,成为了法拉利全队上下最紧张的事情。 An old Ferrari known for its experience, t