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“吐气发声”是武术运动中用于发力的一种特殊的呼吸方法。即发力前先吸气后闭气以待,随发力的同时微启声门、用力将体内气体呼出、发出喊声的用力方式。武术界认为,此“声”不仅可用来增添士气、威胁对方,更重要的是能“以声催力”。在投掷项目中,我们也常见到许多运动员在发力时大喊一声。为什么投掷发力时有人发声,有人不发声?此声能否起到武术中的“发声催力”的效果?搞清这些问题无疑会对投掷运动有着重要的指导意义。对此,笔者试图从生理学角度谈以下几点看法。 “Breathing sound” is a special breathing method used to exert force in martial arts. That is, before the force of inspiration breath closed, the power at the same time with the micro-gated sound door, the body will be forced to exhale, shout hard way. The martial arts community believes that this “sound” can not only be used to increase morale and threaten each other, but more importantly, it can “sound the power”. In the throwing project, we often see many athletes shouting at the force. Why do people throw their voices when they throw their hair? Someone does not say anything? Can this sound have the effect of “drumbeating” in martial arts? Understanding these problems will undoubtedly have an important guiding significance on throwing. In this regard, I try to talk about the following points from the physiological point of view.
在芦苇丛生 ,有着特殊的地理、地质、水文条件的浅泡中 ,要开出一条长 15 .3km、宽 44m的渠道 ,采用何种施工技术 ,在黑龙江省尚属首交 ,文章从施工实践比较了可取的施工方法
一忌字迹潦草;二忌标点随便;三忌规格不一;四忌生造汉字;五忌抄写不校;六忌外文草写;七忌铅笔修改;八忌符号不清;九忌画改混乱;十忌半成品发稿。论文原稿十忌 Avoid writing illegibl
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故障检修是一个不断深化的认识过程 ,寻找故障的方法和程序既有一定规律 ,但又不是一个固定不变的模式 ,根据不同的情况 ,灵活应用不同的方法 ,制订出一个可靠而又周密的检修
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