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1948年秋,陶峙岳任国民党西北军政长官公署副长官兼河西警备总司令和新疆警备总司令。1949年9月,他先后率酒泉、新疆的十余万国民党军队起义,为新疆、酒泉的和平解放做出了特殊的贡献。1955年,陶峙岳被授予上将军衔。1982年9月28日,93岁的陶峙岳正式成为一名中国共产党党员。作为中国共产党队伍中如此高龄的新党员,他走过了一段不平凡的追求之路。一出生在湖南宁乡县的陶峙岳,1916年毕业于保定军官学校。北伐战争中,他身先士卒,率领部队屡立战功,被提拔为少将师长。1927年,蒋介石发 In the autumn of 1948, Tao Zhiyue was the deputy chief of the Northwest Military and Administrative Office of the Kuomintang and commander-in-chief of the Hexi garrison and the commander-in-chief of the Xinjiang Garrison. In September 1949, he successively led Jiuquan and uprooted more than 100,000 Kuomintang troops in Xinjiang and made special contributions to the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang and Jiuquan. In 1955, Tao Zhiyue was awarded the rank of general. September 28, 1982, 93-year-old Tao Zhiyue officially became a Chinese Communist Party. As a new member of the Chinese Communist Party so old, he has gone through an extraordinary pursuit of the road. A native of Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, Tao Zhiyue graduated from Baoding Military Academy in 1916. During the Northern Expedition, he took the lead and led troops to make repeated exploits and was promoted to lieutenant general. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek made
他是谁?    仅仅一个月,库恩就从一个不为人知的幕后银行家,成为广受关注的公众明星。  细读书中的作者简介,复杂的履历有些令人眼花缭乱,“著名的国际投资银行家和公司战略家”,他还是“作家、编辑、学者、科学家、私人投资家和慈善家”,“现任花旗集团执行董事,专职负责并购、公司重组、财务战略和资本运作”,另外,“他还担任库恩基金会董事长,库恩全球资本公司董事长”。  这么多身份集中在一个人身上,多少让
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