湖州:着力营造创新生态环境 进一步深化科技体制改革

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今年以来,在市委、市政府高度重视下,在省厅各位领导大力指导帮助下,湖州市科技工作深入贯彻落实党的十八届五中全会、全国科技创新大会和省市委全会精神,以建设国家创新型试点城市为目标,以提升自主创新能力为重点,进一步深化科技体制改革,在试点示范建设、创新主体培育、科技成果转化、创新能力提升等方面取得了新的进展。上半年,湖州市科技型中小微企业培育、高新技术产业投资 Since the beginning of this year, with the great attention of municipal government and municipal government, Huzhou Science and Technology work has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, National innovation-oriented pilot cities as the goal, focusing on enhancing the capability of independent innovation, further deepening the reform of science and technology system, and making new progress in pilot demonstration construction, cultivation of innovative subjects, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, improvement of innovative capabilities and so on. In the first half, Huzhou City, science and technology training small and medium-sized micro-enterprises, high-tech industry investment
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A fly can walk up a wall.It can walk upsidedown,too.But how does the fly do that?A fly has six legs.It walks with three legs up and threelegs down.Each leg has