Improving the Wear Resistance of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy by Laser Cladding with Al-Si/Al_2O_3-TiO_2 Po

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To improve the wear resistance of magnesium alloy,the laser surface cladding of AZ31B magnesium alloy with Al-12 % Si and Al2O3-40 % TiO2 composite powders (in the wt.% ratio of 10:1,6:1,4:1) were investigated by using a 5kW continuous wave CO2 laser.A detailed microstructure and phase analysis of the surface modified layer were studied by optics microscopy(OM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS),X-ray diffraction(XRD).The microstructure of the surface modified layers mainly consist of Al-Mg matrix,dendrite precipitates and Al2O3,TiO2 ceramic particles.The microhardness of the surface layer were measured and wear resistance property were evaluated in details.The average microhardness of the surface layers were significantly improved to 250HV0.05 as compared with 50HV0.05 of the AZ31B substrate.The results showed that the wear resistance of the laser surface modified samples was considerably improved as compared as the as-received specimen. To improve the wear resistance of magnesium alloy, the laser surface cladding of AZ31B magnesium alloy with Al-12% Si and Al2O3-40% TiO2 composite powders in the wt.% Of 10: 1, 6: 1, 4: 1 ) were investigated by using a 5kW continuous wave CO2 laser. A detailed microstructure and phase analysis of the surface modified layers were studied by optics microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructure of the surface modified layers mainly consisting of Al-Mg matrix, dendrite precipitates and Al2O3, TiO2 micro-particles of the surface layer were measured and wear resistance properties were evaluated in details.The average microhardness of the surface layers were significantly improved to 250 HV0.05 as compared with 50 HV0.05 of the AZ31B substrate.The results showed that the wear resistance of the laser surface modified samples was considerably improved as compared as the as-received specimen.
杨慧琦从父亲手中接过了1500亩地的葡萄农庄时,她刚从北京语言大学本科毕业,那时是2013年。杨慧琦称自己是农业圈的稀有物种,因为圈中像她这样年轻又是女孩的很少。  葡萄农庄  葡萄好种不好卖  因为有成熟的技术和技术员,在葡萄种植上,杨慧琦并没有遇到什么问题,但在如何让更多的人来农庄,如何卖出更多的葡萄,杨慧琦下了不少功夫,用她的话说:“做一个好的农产品不难,把农产品卖好才是大难题。”  90后
瘙痒的皮肤病甚多,老年性瘙痒症更多见发病诱因较复杂。1990年3月~1994年7月,我院用中西医结合治疗老年性瘙痒症210例,取得了满意疗效,现报告如下: 临床资料 (1)治疗组:住院
在新课程理念指导下,课堂教学的改革在不断深入,其主要目的是提高课堂效率。课堂是教学的主阵地,课堂教学是教学的基本形式,是学生获取信息、培养和提高多种能力及养成一定思想观念的主渠道。因此构建高效课堂,提高课堂效率是广大教师共同探讨的主题。下面是我在日常教学中的几点体会。  一、构建新型、和谐的师生关系  教师要走进学生情感世界,要待生如友,经常参与学生的活动,了解他们的想法,及时地指导和解决他们所遇
现在的周瑄璞比以前从容多了,在周围人的眼中,她已经对自己有所交代了,有了《多湾》,可以枕着踏实睡觉了。  70后女作家周瑄璞的一部长篇小说《多湾》打破了长久以来沉寂的文坛。她也因此而走入大众视野。  小说《多湾》从构思到定稿,历经近十年,精心打磨。小说讲述了一个家族的故事,但在周瑄璞眼中,书中的女性显然才是这部作品的重心。“从下笔的时候我就想要写出完全不同的女性,跟男作家笔下的女人不一样的女人。我