
来源 :党性党风党纪研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panzi911
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本辑《苏区的学与做(三)》选编了井冈山斗争时期的两篇历史文献,一篇是当年的亲历者罗冬祥自己抄写的《共产主义者须知》,另一篇则是由当时的国民党政府档案资料保存下来的红四军印发的《党代表工作大纲》。井冈山斗争时期的《共产主义者须知》和革命斗争实践告诉我们,共产党员不仅要在组织上入党,更要在思想上入党。在革命战争年代,就是从思想政治教育入手,一步一步走过来的。而红四军印发的《党代表工作大纲》,充分表明了党代表就是党要管党的责任人和践行者。党要管党要落实到人,落实到位。这两篇历史文献,对于我们结合学习党的十八届六中全会精神,深入贯彻落实全面从严治党要求仍然具有重要启示意义。 This series of “Learning and Doing the Soviet Area (c)” selected two historical documents during the struggle of Jinggangshan, one is the personal communist notes written by Luo Dongxiang himself that year, and the other is from the Kuomintang “Outline of Party Representative Work” Issued by the Red Army Survived by Government Archives. The “commanders of communists” and the revolutionary struggle practice in the period of Jinggangshan struggle tell us that communists must join the party not only in organization but also in their ideology. In the era of revolutionary war, we started from ideological and political education and came step by step. The outline of the “Party Representative Work” issued by the Red Army has fully demonstrated that party representatives are the responsible and practicing party in the party’s management of the party. The party must control the party to implement the people, put in place. These two historical documents still have important enlightenment significance for us to conscientiously study the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and thoroughly implement the requirements of strict control of the party.
蚯蚓乃“万能钓饵”,人皆知之。钓鱼时取蚯蚓在盒中扒来扒去,十分烦人。后来我发 Earthworm is “universal bait,” everyone knows it. When taking earthworms fishing
八月,正是鲢鱼上钩的旺季。根据我的经验.手竿钓链,要注意“精选钓位,粗配钓组.香散用饵.因地施钓”四点。 August, it is the silver carp hook season. According to my e
十几年前,外出拍摄一次大家总是在大画幅与单反相机之间纠结,时过境迁,随着全画幅微单TMA7R与A7的问世,打破了单反相机一统全画幅相机市场局面,相机市场格局进行了改变,“全微”时代悄然开启。  摄影自作为独立艺术门类确认已有100多年的历史,早期人们想要拍摄一幅影像可能需要在烈日下保持不动等待15分钟,但是随着科技的发展,以及信息传播加速的需求,人们对于影像的快速即得及分享有着更高的要求,索尼全画
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