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以粮油棉为中心收购农产品,是当前财贸部门的中心工作。这个任务完成得好,就可以为城市和工矿区提供更多的粮食和工业原料,促进明年轻工业的大发展,进一步改善市场供应;又可以增加人民公社的公共积累和社员收入,促进明年农业生产的大发展和农民生活的提高。这是关系到明年国民经济继续大跃进的重大经济任务和政治任务。大公报是财贸工作方面的报纸,因此它把对农产品收购工作的宣传报道作为这一时期的中心工作,组织了一个战役报道。 The acquisition of agricultural products with grain and oil as the center is the central task of the current finance and trade sector. If this task is completed well, more foodstuffs and industrial raw materials will be provided to urban areas and industrial and mining areas to promote the great development of the next-generation industries and to further improve the market supply; public accumulation and income of communes members of the people’s communes will also be increased, and agricultural production next year will be promoted The great development and improvement of peasant life. This is a major economic task and a political task that concern the continuous great leap forward of the national economy next year. Ta Kung Pao was a newspaper on the work of trade and finance. Therefore, it organized a campaign report on the coverage of the acquisition of agricultural products as its central work during this period.
一、概况: 近三十年来,全世界大量使用化学农药防治农林害虫,虽对农林业增产起到了重要作用,但也造成了环境污染,破坏生态平衡,害虫产生抗性等付作用。茶树害虫的防治也不例
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两年来我场大面积推广“五四○六”抗生菌肥育秧,获得良好的效果。施用方法:整地、做床之后,播下稻种,拍实。以每平方米施1斤三 In the past two years, I promoted a larg