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随着人工养鳖的兴起,由于鳖的生态环境改变和高密度集约化养殖,近年来鳖的病害日渐增多,不仅影响鳖的生长发育,而且严重影响人工养鳖的成活率。据我们1988年养殖试验观察,在两个水泥池0.42亩的面积内放养稚鳖1600只,在24—34℃的地热水条件下养殖一周年,其中因病害死亡449只,死亡率高达28%,受病害影响而生长速度缓慢的最小鳖仅50克,比正常生长的最大鳖1000克小20倍。严重影响了人工养鳖的产量和起水规格。有关鳖病害的研究,世界各国均起步较晚,迄今仅日本见有报导,我国还刚开始,为适应我国人工养鳖生产发展的需要,本课题组两年来对鳖的病害及其防治 With the rise of artificial turtle, due to the ecological environment of turtle and intensive intensive breeding, the disease of turtle is increasing in recent years, which not only affects the growth and development of turtle, but also seriously affects the survival rate of artificial turtle. According to our breeding experiment in 1988, 1,600 juvenile soft-shelled turtles were stocked in 0.42 mu of two cement ponds, and the first anniversary of aquaculture was conducted under the conditions of 24-34 ℃ geothermal water, of which 449 died due to disease and the death rate was as high as 28 %, The slowest growth rate affected by the disease only 50 grams of turtle, 1,000 grams smaller than the normal growth of the largest turtle 20 times. Seriously affected the artificial turtle production and water from the specifications. The research on disease of turtle has started late in the world. So far only reports from Japan have been reported and our country has just begun. In order to meet the needs of the development of artificial turtle breeding in our country, the problems and prevention and cure of turtle
唐代小说中写文士与乐籍女子爱情题材的大多是悲剧结局,悲剧的产生与唐代的社会风气有关,最主要的是与唐代的婚姻观念有关。 In the novels of the Tang Dynasty, most of t
(一) 位置理想:利用地形、水源可靠,如建在河道、水库、渠道、山塘堰坝附近;灌排方便,时灌肘排,常有活水,以及旱不干涸,涝能排洪;无环境污染及水土流失;更不宜在苦楝树旁开
21世纪既是一个寄托着人类许多美好梦想的世纪 ,也是一个充满了机遇和挑战的世纪。它既是一个崭新的时间概念 ,也更意味着人类社会的深刻变革 ,而推动这个变革的主体力量就是
中学思想政治课学是以邓小平理论为中心内容 ,简要讲授马克思主义经济、哲学和政治学的基本观点以及我国社会主义现代化建设常识。它集知识教育与德育于一身 ,所以搞好政治课
平鲁二中是一所省级示范初级中学 ,现有教学班 2 4个 ,在校学生 192 0名 ;专任教师 77名 ,学历合格率 98.7% ,各级教学能手2 5名 ,省、市骨干教师或学科带头人 6名。近年来 ,
Topic:eating and drinkingStep1:Warming- up ActivitiesHave a talk with the students about food anddrink they have every day.Model:T:We have three meals every day