Auditory filter based broadband MUSIC algorithm for sound source localization

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijinya
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Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of broadband MUSIC algorithm with short-time Fourier transform(SF-MUSIC) for sound source localization,a broadband MUSIC algorithm with auditory filter(AF-MUSIC) was proposed.The proposed algorithm first employs auditory filter bank to decompose the signals received on the microphone array,and then locates the sound source with MUSIC algorithm over every frequency channel.At last,by combining with the subinterval frequency estimation,the final localization result is gained.Evaluations on the proposed algorithm prove that comparing with the SF-MUSIC algorithm,the AF-MUSIC algorithm decreases the average error of the estimation results with 2.5479 degree in different source conditions.The accuracy of sound source DOA estimation is enhanced effectively. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of broadband MUSIC algorithm with short-time Fourier transform (SF-MUSIC) for sound source localization, a broadband MUSIC algorithm with auditory filter (AF-MUSIC) was proposed. The proposed algorithm first detecting audit filter bank to decompose the signals received on the microphone array, and then loc locals the sound source with MUSIC algorithm over every frequency channel. At last, by combining with the subinterval frequency estimation, the final localization result is gained. Evaluation on the proposed algorithm prove that comparing with the SF-MUSIC algorithm, the AF-MUSIC algorithm decreases the average error of the estimation results with 2.5479 degree in different source conditions. accuracy of sound source DOA estimation is effectively effectively.
我院自2007年8月至2008年10月,治疗老年心肌缺血60例,采用在西医常规治疗基础上加用通心络胶囊口服的治疗方法,疗效满意,现报告如下.rn1 资料与方法rn1.1 临床资料:本组病例
本研究对我院住院38例产后大出血产妇临床资料进行回顾分析,现将抢救护理体会总结如下.rn1 临床资料rn1.1 一般资料:2008-2009年我院住院分娩的产妇3 441例,以胎儿娩出24 h阴
32岁男性患者,2年前包皮出现一处红色赘生物,当地医院按尖锐湿疣给予重组人干扰素每次200 U,每周2次,局部皮下注射治疗4个月,皮损渐增大。皮肤科检查:包皮部可见一蚕豆粒大小
男性47岁患者,下颏及颈部线状紫褐色斑2个月.查体见下颏及颈前正中线偏右侧处有-0.5~1.0cm宽,15 cm长的线状紫褐色斑片,线状皮损的部分区域有轻度萎缩,无明显凹陷,无明显浸润