江苏加大成果转化 推动技术创新力度

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为迎接今年8月份国家技术创新会议,江苏省确立以成果转化为技术创新体系的核心,以奖酬措施为成果转化的助力,以管理创新推进科技成果产业化。 为此,该省将考虑制订省级科技成果转化奖励办法,组织专项检查,把落实情况作为科技工作考核指标。同时,该省还规定,凡省批准的高新技术产业开发园区内的科技创业中心,属孵化项目的所得税,财政将列支返给科技创业中心,用于基地建设和孵化项目。凡经省认定的高新技术产品,自认定之日起两年内所征收的增值税属地方留成部分,经同级人民政府批准后,可按一定 In order to meet the national technology innovation conference in August this year, Jiangsu Province has established the core of transforming achievements into technological innovation systems, boosting the reward transformation as a result, and managing innovation to promote the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. To this end, the province will consider formulating provincial incentives for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, organizing special inspections and taking the implementation as an indicator of scientific and technological work assessment. At the same time, the province also stipulates that where provincial science and technology innovation centers approved by the Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone belong to the income tax of hatching projects, the finance will be paid back to the science and technology start-up centers for base construction and incubation projects. Where high-tech products identified by the province, since the date of identification within two years of the value-added tax is retained part of the local people’s governments at the same level after approval, according to certain
随机抽查了 1996年~ 1999年我院住院病历 1938份 ,分类统计不合理用药情况。结果作用同一受体或效应器药物相互作用的有 40 5例 (2 0 .89% ) ;引起药物动力学过程改变的有 334
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本法所用浸提液可以用不调PH值的0.05mol·L~(-1)EDTA溶液,土壤样品称取量不宜过多,土壤样品与浸提液的比例以2g比25ml为宜。 The extract used in this method can be adju