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冰箱压缩机:延续增长态势产业在线监测数据显示,2014年4月,冰箱压缩机市场延续3月的增长态势,产量为1222.6万台,同比增长3.6%,环比增长1.8%;销量为1286.0万台,同比增长7.5%,环比下降0.5%。2014年1~4月,冰箱压缩机累计产量为4165.3万台,同比增长1.0%;累计销量为4351.2万台,同比增长2.9%。对于2014年冰箱压缩机市场发展前景,主流企业仍不看好,对未来几个月的市场持谨慎态度。 Refrigerator compressor: Continuation of growth Industry online monitoring data show that in April 2014, the refrigerator compressor market continued its growth in March, production was 12.226 million units, an increase of 3.6%, growth of 1.8%; sales of 12.86 million units , An increase of 7.5% over the same period of last year and a decrease of 0.5% from the previous quarter. From January to April 2014, the cumulative output of refrigerator compressors was 41.653 million units, an increase of 1.0% over the same period of previous year; the cumulative sales volume was 43.512 million units, an increase of 2.9% over the same period of last year. For 2014 refrigerator compressor market prospects, the mainstream companies are still not optimistic about the market for the coming months cautious.
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A卷 一、填空题(每小题3分,共36分) 1.-(1/2)的倒数是___。 2.用科学记数法表示:-0.000543=___。 3.计算:3~(-1)+8×|-(1/3)|=___。 4.函数y=((5-x)~(1/2))/2中,自变量x的取
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[思路指点] 《世上只有妈妈好》这支歌,一般孩子在牙牙学语之后就开始学唱。进入小学、初中,往往要写《世上只有妈妈好》这一作文。就作文而言,这一题目并不难写,因为小时在