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巩义常庄变电站 1号墓葬经过发掘, 出土随葬品较为丰富, 有陶制的镇墓兽、天王俑、侍俑、马、骆驼等。其体态较大, 比例合理, 俑态逼真庄重, 彩绘华丽, 显现了盛唐陶俑之风格, 值得注意的是, 出土大周时期墓志一合, 弥足珍贵, 是郑州地区已发掘同类墓葬中首次发现。这座有明确纪年的墓葬, 对郑州地区唐代墓葬分期研究, 提供了新的实物资料。 Gongyi Chang Zhuang substation No. 1 tombs after excavations, unearthed funerary objects is more rich, with pottery town animal, king figurines, figurines, horses, camels and so on. Its body is larger and its proportion is reasonable. The state of the figurines is vivid and dignified, the painting is gorgeous, showing the style of the figurines of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It is noteworthy that the epitaphs unearthed in the Great Zhou period are precious and valuable, having been excavated in similar tombs in Zhengzhou area First discovered. This clear year of tombs, tombs of the Tang Dynasty in Zhengzhou, staging research, provided a new kind of physical information.
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