聚焦两会 卫生改革牵动国人心 热点回顾 代表、委员对症下药

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2005年国务院发展研究中心农村经济研究部调查结果显示:近3年内,农民因看不起病,在家死亡的占78.6%,其中,西部为82.1%,中部为71.9%,东部为79.6%。“在中国目前的卫生总费用中,大约有60%靠居民自费,25%靠集体负担,政府投入仅占15%。”这是国家卫生部长高强此前在分析看病难、看 In 2005, the Ministry of Rural Economic Research of the Development Research Center of the State Council found that in the past three years, 78.6% of farmers died from home illness because they could not see the disease. Among them, 82.1% were in the west, 71.9% in the middle, and 79.6% in the east. “About 60% of the current total health expenditure in China depends on the residents at their own expense, 25% rely on the collective burden, and the government’s investment only accounts for 15%.” This is the National Health Minister Gao Qiang’s previous analysis of the difficulties of seeing a doctor.
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经12种化学和生物农药对杨树水泡型溃疡病Dothiorella gregaria和杨树拟茎点菌溃疡病Phomopsis sp.的室内毒力测定,选出多菌灵、甲基托布津、福美砷三种药剂杀菌效果最佳。田
Authorities have released a list of essential medicines to lower costs and ensure access for all china’s Health Ministry released a list of essential medicines
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Actinium such as Plutonium has become an important element with the wide applications of plutonium to military and nuclear industries. However, Actinium such as