
来源 :理化检验通讯(化学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phlok1985
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最近,一些省、市召开了和准备召开理化检验系统的经验交流会,对于进一步提高产品质量、降低生产成本、保证产量的稳步上升,将起到一定的积极作用。理化检验分析手段的不断革新和提高,是保证高产优质的重要组成之一。本期介绍的“四川省机械工业理化检验工作会议”上交流的经验,部分采用全文介绍,部分采用摘要的形式。在这些方法中,很有我们值得学习的:如前进机器厂化验室的同志,从“偶然”的现象中得到启发,通过不断的实践又一次证明了“偶然”存在于“必然”之中(将锰的煮沸显色改进为室温显色),使我们对客观规律的认识又前进了一步;内江锻压设备厂化验室把分开测定的球铁中的镁和稀土联合起来测定,使原有的方法得到进一步的完善和提高;红旗柒油机厂理化室的同志们,对钛的新的显色试剂作了系统的试验和总结;第二重机厂对“电弧定碳”做了深入的试验,提高了测定碳的稳定性,在生产上起到了积极的作用。毛主席教导我们:“客观现实世界的变化运动永远没有完结,人们在实践中对于真理的认识也就永远没有完结。”让我们努力学习马列主义、毛泽东思想,在三大革命运动中自觉地运用辩证唯物史观指导我们的实践。另外本期对钢铁中碳的“非水滴定”方法,集中介绍了几个单位的经验,可能是不很全面的。有机溶剂是易燃物质、甲醇对人体具有一定的毒性,因此在使用中必须加强通风、注意安全。各单位在使用“非水滴定”中都有各自的体会和经验,希望同志们总结起来给以介绍讨论。 Recently, some provinces and municipalities held an exchange of experience in preparing for the convening of a physical and chemical inspection system, which will play a positive role in further improving product quality, reducing production costs and ensuring a steady increase in output. The constant innovation and improvement of physical and chemical test and analysis means is one of the important components to ensure high yield and high quality. This issue of “Sichuan Machinery Industry Physical and Chemical Testing Conference ” on the exchange of experience, part of the full text introduction, part of the summary form. Among these methods, there are quite a few things we should learn from: as the comrades going to the lab of the machine lab, inspired by the phenomenon of “accidental”, it has been proved once again through practice that “accidental” exists in “ Necessary ”(which improves the chromogenic color of manganese to room temperature for color development), so that our understanding of the objective laws goes a step further. Neijiang Forging Equipment Laboratory combines the separate determination of magnesium and rare earth in the ductile iron Determination, so that the original method to be further improved and improved; Hongqi Soymilk Plant Physics and Chemistry Room comrades, titanium reagent of the new color system was tested and summarized; the second heavy machine on the “arc Fixed carbon ”has done in-depth tests to improve the stability of the determination of carbon in production has played a positive role. Chairman Mao taught us: “The changing movement in the objective real world will never come to an end and people will never end their knowledge of the truth in practice.” Let us work hard to study Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and consciously Use Dialectical Historical Materialism to Guide Our Practice. In addition, the issue of “non-aqueous titration” of carbon in steel in this issue focuses on the experience of several units and may not be comprehensive. Organic solvents are flammable substances, methanol on the human body has some toxicity, so in the use of ventilation must be strengthened, pay attention to safety. All units in the use of “non-water titration” have their own experience and experience, I hope comrades summed up to introduce the discussion.
该文借第27届奥运会的比赛,由心理因素的影响,招致比赛失利、失败的事例,综合论述心理因素对竞赛的影响,提高重视心理训练的程度。 The article by the 27th Olympic Games
荧光渗透法是机械制造工业中重要的无损检验方法之一。三年多来,在中国科学院上海有机所,三机部航空材料研究所和红安公司共同努力下,合成了四类荧光染料,研制了自乳化 ZA