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濮阳日报社青年记者张永峰、王启军骑自行车采访濮阳市沿黄河村,受到濮阳市委宣传部表彰. 《濮阳日报》创办时间短,人员比较新,有些人是从家门到校门,从学校门到机关门,实践经验较少,对基层缺乏了解,有些人采访热衷于跑机关、转会议,即使到基层采访,也多是住招待所或宾馆,为了转变新闻工作作风,让新闻工作者在艰苦的工作环境中经受锻炼,今年5月,副总编辑杨 Puyang Daily Youth correspondent Zhang Yongfeng and Wang Qijun interviewed Puyang City along the Yellow River Village by bike and was commended by the Propaganda Department of Puyang Municipal Party Committee. Puyang Daily was founded shortly with new staff. Some people go from home to school and from the school gate to the organ There are few practical experiences and lack of understanding of the grassroots. Some people are very keen on running agencies and transfer meetings, even when interviewed at the grassroots level. They often live in hostels or hotels. In order to change the style of journalism and make journalists work hard Environment to undergo exercise, in May this year, deputy editor Yang
Head pose estimation has been considered an important and challenging task in computer vision. In this paper we propose a novel method to estimate head pose bas
随着液压控制技术的进步和发展,液压系统越来越多地应用于各种设备生产线,马钢热轧板厂中板生产线于2003年8月对2#蓄热式加热炉进行了改造,改造方案中包括取消原 With the
尊敬的读者: 您好! 在您的关心与支持下,本刊顺利完成了2001年第4期《继续教育》杂志的改版工作。在准备、制作以及发行的过程中,许多热心读者纷纷来函、来电,提出建设性的意见。您对我