奇妙的材料 神奇的功能——记DJB-823保护剂新技术推广应用交流会

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我部第三、第五技术交流站于1988年5月30日至6月3日在北京联合举办《DJB-823电接触固体薄膜保护剂》和《尼氟隆涂层》新技术推广应用交流会。出席会议的有站属单位38个56名代表。 与会领导积极支持这次交流活动,并指出:这项成果的深入推广应用,将进一步解决某些科研和生产中的关键问题,对提高产品质量的稳定性和可靠性、降低贵重金属材料、工、量、模具的消耗起积极作用,必然收到很好的技术经济效益。 曾两次获得国家二等发明奖的彭道儒教授谈了电接触元件可靠性的重要意义;介绍了国外研究这类保护剂的概况;讲述了14年来研制“BY_2”和“DJB-823保护剂”的情况。此种保护剂性能达到和超过国外同类产品先进水平,在国际上居领先地位。 The third and fifth technology exchanges of our Ministry jointly held the “DJB-823 Electric Contact Solid Film Protector” and “Neflon Coating” new technology promotion and application exchange in Beijing from May 30th to June 3rd, 1988. meeting. A total of 38 representatives from 38 stations attended the meeting. The participating leaders actively supported this exchange activity and pointed out that the in-depth promotion and application of this result will further solve some key issues in scientific research and production, improve the stability and reliability of product quality, and reduce precious metal materials and workmanship. The consumption of moulds, moulds and moulds plays a positive role and will inevitably receive very good technical and economic benefits. Professor Peng Daoru, who twice won the National Second Class Invention Award, talked about the importance of the reliability of electrical contact elements; introduced the overview of foreign research on such protective agents; and described the development of “BY_2” and “DJB-823 protective agent” over the past 14 years. Case. The performance of this kind of protective agent has reached or exceeded the advanced level of similar foreign products and has taken a leading position in the world.
为满足国内引进的船用中低速柴油机多种机型生产的配套需要,中国技术进口总公司于1978年从瑞士 BBC 公司购买了 VTR 系列涡轮增压器专利,作为柴油机主要配套件之一。我们新
【《日本原子》1985年2月号第31页报道】日本三菱公司研制了一种四足机器人,它能在反应堆安全壳内高剂量放射性环 [Japan Atom, February 1985, p. 31] Mitsubishi Corpora