China's Cooperative Exploration of Oil and Gas and Its Taxation System

来源 :国际石油经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:0364jill2
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China’ s foreign-oriented oil taxation system has, from the beginning, been based upon the positive experiences of other oil-producing countries and has incorporated common international practices. The system has been perfected over decades. It of fers more incentives than other oil-producing countries in the following four aspects: (1) Income tax has a “wide tax base and low tax rate”; (2) VAT levies a low tax rate on ma- China’s foreign-oriented oil taxation system has, from the beginning, been based upon the positive experiences of other oil-producing countries and has incorporated common international practices. The system has been perfected over decades. It of fers more than than other oil -producing countries in the following four aspects: (1) Income tax has a “wide tax base and low tax rate”; (2) VAT levies a low tax rate on ma-
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拼接光栅技术是提高高功率激光器输出能量的一条可能途径,为保障高功率激光器光束时空光束质量,拼接光栅角度误差必须小于0.4μrad,位移偏差小于20 nm。为了满足光栅拼接调整
内部控制关系到企业财产物资的安全完整、关系到会计系统对企业经济活动反映的正确性和可靠性。企业为实现既定的管理目标,必需建立起了一整套内部控制制度,以保证企业有序、健康地发展。  电算化会计系统对内部控制的特殊要求主要体现在以下几方面: 1.计算机的使用改变了企业会计核算的环境 企业使用计算机处理会计和财务数据后,企业的会计核算的环境发生了很大的变化,会计部门的组成人员从原来由财务、会计专业人员组成