
来源 :中南政法学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maryren
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合同内容是指在合同法律关系中当事人双方的权利义务之总和。当事人在确定合同内容时应遵循哪些基本规则,确定合同内容的方式有哪些,这是本文将探讨的问题。一、规律合同内容的法律规范的性质对合同内容的确定的影响合同内容的确定应符合法律规范的性质的要求,由于规律合同内容的法律规范的性质不同,因而对当事人通过协商方式来确定合同内容的自由程度以及确定合同内容的方式有不同的影响。根据我国现行合同法律、法规的规定,规律合同内容的法律规范的性质有以下几 The content of the contract is the sum of the rights and obligations of both parties in the legal relationship of the contract. What basic rules should be followed when the parties determine the content of the contract and what are the ways of determining the content of the contract is the issue that this article will discuss. First, the nature of the legal norms of the contents of the contract contract to determine the nature of the contract content to determine the nature of the law should be consistent with the requirements of the legal content of the regular contract of different nature, thus the parties through the negotiation to determine the contract The degree of freedom of content and the manner in which the content of the contract is determined have different implications. According to China's current contract laws and regulations, the contents of the legal nature of the legal contract the following
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目的 :总结成人错矫治病经验。方法 :对 110例成人错患者采用固定矫治器 ,利用方丝弓或直丝弓技术 ,配合活动矫治加辅助装置进行 ,疗程 11个月~ 2 5年。结果 :全部病员均
夏天是玩水的季节。一位热爱自然科学的家长,为了帮助孩子揭开水的秘密,培养孩子勇于探索的精神,他精心引导孩子发现秘密、探索秘密、揭开秘密。 Summer is the season of p
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