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这是一篇由曾任中共运城市委常委、政法委书记的退休干部撰写的文章。其文通篇在朴实无华的叙述中闪烁着一个共产党员的真情、理想和信念的光华。读来颇为感人。保持共产党员的先进性,对于每一位共产党员,对于每一位党员领导干部来说,绝不能只是停留在口头上,而更重要的是必须体现在实实在在的行动上。正如文中所说:“老百姓看我们共产党是否先进,不只是看党的理论、纲领和路线是否先进,更重要的是看共产党员的言语、行动和表现是否达到了先进性的要求,从党员身上是否感受到了先进性。”其实,共产党员如何保持先进性和人民群众如何看待、认知或感受共产党员的先进性,这只是一个问题的两个方面。要把这一个问题的两个方面最大程度地具有同一性,关键之处在于每一位共产党员,特别是每一位党员领导干部要忠诚践行“三个代表重要思想,并且把这”种践行提高到保持党的先进性、巩固党的执政地位、提高党的执政能力和构建和谐社会上来认识。而且,要像此文中所表述的那样,做到“保持共产党员先进性到老,一直点亮共产党员这盏明灯。” This is an article written by a retired cadre who was a member of the CPC Yuncheng Municipal Committee and a member of the Politics and Law Committee. Throughout the article, in its naive narration, it flashed the glory of a communist’s truth, ideal and conviction. Reading is quite touching. To maintain the advanced nature of party members, for every communist party member and leading cadres of every party member, we must not just stay verbally, but more importantly, we must reflect on real actions. As the article said: “The common people see whether our advanced party is advanced or not only by looking at whether the party’s theory, program and line are advanced, and more importantly, whether communists’ words, actions and performance have reached the requirements of advanced nature. Whether or not advanced nature has been felt. ”Actually, how the party members maintain their advanced nature and how the masses of the people view, recognize or feel the advanced nature of party members are just two aspects of one issue. The crux of the matter of maximizing the unity of the two aspects of this issue is that every Communist member, and especially every leading member of party members, should faithfully practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ Practice should be improved to maintaining the advanced nature of the Party, consolidating the party’s ruling position, raising the party’s ability to govern and building a harmonious society. Moreover, as stated in this article, it is necessary to “keep the advanced nature of the communists as old as ever and light the communists all the time.”
本论文通过分析奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中所展示的影响人们缔结婚姻的各种因素,探索她选择传统的大团圆模式作为小说结局的原因,来揭示她的婚姻观。   本文的第一部分从分析
本文研究目的在于调查与分析中国英语学习者语言运用中所使用交际策略,包括交际策略类型,交际策略分布以及在外语学习中使用交际策略对外语学习的影响.  在语言运用的过程中,
科学测算代建管理费,推动代建制的健康发展。 Scientifically calculate the agency management fee and promote the healthy development of the agent system.