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1996年中国开发区经济分析 1、发展速度 1996年是九五计划实施的第一年,经济技术开发区经济发展势头良好。被誉为第一梯队的天津、大连、广州、上海虹桥、福州、昆山等开发区,以各自不同的发展规模与总体经济实力依然居各开发区的前列,继续起着排头兵的作用。其中天津开发区表现突出,据国务院特区办最近对全国开发区的计算机联网统计,在包括工业总产值、“三资”企业工业总产值、工业销售收入、“三资”企业出口和税收、合同外资金额、新批三资项目数、项目投资额等十项可比主要经济指标中,天津开发区名列第一。截至9月底,天津开发区实现国内生产总值93.6亿元,工业总产值283亿元,利润87.5亿元,出口9.8亿美元,分别比去年同期增长60.52%、70.54%、61.26%,10月16日,它又实现了历史性突破,即国内生产总值突破100亿元,工业总产值突破300亿元。 北京和乌鲁木齐开发区作为开发区中的后起之秀,1996年也表现不俗。截止8月底,北京开发区启动面积0.6平 Economic Analysis of China Development Zones in 1996 1. The Development Speed ​​1996 was the first year in the implementation of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and the economic development in the Economic and Technological Development Zones enjoyed a good momentum of development. Hailed as the first tier of Tianjin, Dalian, Guangzhou, Shanghai Hongqiao, Fuzhou, Kunshan and other development zones, with their respective development scale and overall economic strength remain in the forefront of the zone, continue to play a vanguard role. Among them, TEDA has made outstanding achievements. According to the latest statistics on computer networking in the national development zones under the State Council Special Administrative Region Office, the total output value of industrialized countries including the total industrial output value, the gross value of industrial output of “three-sourced” enterprises, the revenue from industrial sales, the export and tax revenue of " TEDA was ranked No. 1 among the ten major economic indicators including the amount of foreign investment, the number of newly approved foreign-funded projects and the amount of investment in the project. By the end of September, TEDA had achieved a GDP of 9.36 billion yuan, a total industrial output value of 28.3 billion yuan, a profit of 8.75 billion yuan and an export of 980 million U.S. dollars, up by 60.52%, 70.54% and 61.26% respectively over the same period of last year, and October 16 On this date, it also achieved a historic breakthrough, in which its GDP exceeded 10 billion yuan and its industrial output exceeded 30 billion yuan. As a rising star in the development zone, Beijing and Urumqi Development Zone also performed well in 1996. As of the end of August, Beijing Development Zone to start an area of ​​0.6 flat
摘 要:在新媒体语境下,跨界一词出现的频率越来越高,越来越多的人跨界寻求更多的发展。当代著名诗人李尚朝在追求自我突破的同时,顺应时代的发展,尝试艺术的多种表现形式。本文以李尚朝的跨界发展为蓝本,解析其身份的跨界、文体的跨界以及跨界发展中以新媒体为传播载体所取得的实绩,从而探讨作家的跨界发展在弘扬传统文化、丰富艺术表现形式等方面的作用。  关键词:李尚朝 新媒体 作家 跨界发展 文化繁荣  作家的跨