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在刑事执行检察领域深化检务公开具有重要的时代意义,当前刑事执行检察领域检务公开存在制度规定和理论研究缺乏足够支撑,公开的力度、深度、广度不足等问题。本文以驻监狱检察工作为例,提出要从扩大检务公开内容、拓展检务公开效力、增强司法属性、强化配套措施等方面进一步深化和拓展刑事执行检察领域的检务公开工作。 Deepening the procuratorial work in the field of criminal enforcement procuratorial work is of great significance in the current era. The present system of procuratorial public procuratorial work in the field of criminal enforcement prosecution and the lack of sufficient support and theoretical research in the field of procuratorial work are not enough. Taking Procuratorial Procuratorate in prison as an example, this paper proposes to further deepen and expand the work of procuratorial work in the field of procuratorial execution of criminal execution in the aspects of expanding the publicity of procuratorial affairs, expanding the public procuratorial functions, enhancing judicial attributes and strengthening supporting measures.
南有高山、北有大漠的陕西省正在越来越快地告别“行路难”,一个四通八达、通江达海的立体交通网正在建设中。“十五”期间 ,陕西省计划每年至少投资 10 0亿元建公路 ,到 2 0
The fuel consumption associated with some interplanetary transfer trajectories using chemical propulsion is not affordable. A solar sail is a method of propulsi
This paper studies the effects of fiber orientaion and holes position on stress concentration and the determination of weakened areas in the composite of glass
4月5日,最高人民法院党组副书记、常务副院长沈德咏在山东省济南市主持召开刑事审判工作调研座谈会。他强调,要让重大、热点案件成为全民共享的法治公开课。沈德咏要求,要准确把握依法独立公正行使审判权和尊重民意的關系。独立审判与尊重民意并不矛盾,坚决防止一强调独立审判就不考虑人民群众的期望和关切,一强调倾听群众呼声就放弃独立审判的原则和要求。要将个案审判置于天理、国法、人情之中综合考量。  一段时间以来,
Advanced solar sailing has been an increasingly attractive propulsion system for highly non-Keplerian orbits.Three new applications of the orbital angular momen