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航天部102所建立的低频振动标准装置于1985年11月5日至6日在北京举行了部级鉴定会。来自全国各地区各部门的同行专家教授计26个单位37名代表参加了会议。于会代表一致认为:该装置除具备国内同类装置的先进技术如激光逐点扫描测振、空气轴承导向、磁悬浮支承、闭环运动反馈和专用计算机外,该所还特别研制了振动台平衡位置伺服控制器和石英低频标准加速度计。因此该装置不仪能以0.5%的校准精度对低频振动传感器进行绝对校准,而且还具有台面另位稳定,工作安全可靠和进行比较法校准等独到之处。由此鉴定委员会进一步作出结论:该装置的主要技术指标达到了国际先进水平。经过两年多来的试用考验,证明其性能稳定可靠,可作为低频振动计量标准装置进行量值传递。 The Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics 102 established a low-frequency vibration standard device in November 5, 1985 to 6 in Beijing held a ministerial appraisal. Experts and professors from all departments and regions in various regions and counties, including 37 representatives from 26 units, attended the meeting. At the meeting delegates agreed that: In addition to the device with the advanced technology of similar devices such as laser point-by-point scanning vibration measurement, air bearing guidance, magnetic suspension bearings, closed-loop motion feedback and special computers, the Institute also specially developed vibration table balance position servo Controller and quartz low-frequency standard accelerometer. Therefore, the device can not be absolutely accurate calibration of low-frequency vibration sensor with 0.5% calibration accuracy, but also has the other station stability, safe and reliable work and comparative method of calibration and other unique. Therefore, the appraisal committee further concluded that the main technical specifications of the device have reached the international advanced level. After more than two years of trial test to prove its performance is stable and reliable, can be used as low-frequency vibration measurement standard device for value transfer.
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本文篇幅虽短,但有创新的亮点,本刊十分欢迎这样的短稿。 Although the length of this article is short, but there are bright spots of innovation, this magazine is v