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一、提出问题背景:实验中敞开盛有浓盐酸的试剂瓶,瓶口立即产生大量的白雾;把盛有浓氨水的试剂瓶敞开,在瓶口却看不到白雾,这一“怪”现象令实验者始料不及,实难接受这一事实,因为它远远超出了他们的预想,但实验结果就是如此。同学们对 NH_3在空气中不能产生白雾的原因进行了多种分析和猜测。最后有关雾形成的原因和条件观点统一,总结为:雾的形成条件有三:①有小液滴,②有空气,③小液滴在空气中分散必须十分密集,达到肉眼可见的程度。因此,可以说雾是因小液滴分散到空气中形成的,但不能说小液滴分散到空气中一定能形成雾。尽管浓氨水挥发出的 NH_3与空气中的水蒸气结合形成了氨水小液滴,但氨水小液滴在空气中分散的密集程度没有达到形成雾的最低标准,即肉眼不可见,所以无雾。那么,盐酸小液滴能在空气中密集分散形成白雾,为什么氨水 First, the background of the question: Open the bottle filled with concentrated hydrochloric acid reagent bottle, bottle mouth immediately produce a lot of white fog; the bottle filled with concentrated ammonia reagent bottle open, but can not see the fog in the bottle, this Strange "phenomenon makes the experimenter unexpected, it is hard to accept this fact, because it goes far beyond their expectations, but the experimental results are so. Students on the NH_3 in the air can not produce white fog for a variety of reasons and speculation. Finally, the reasons for the formation of fog and viewpoints of unity, concluded that: fog formation conditions are three: ① small droplets, ② air, ③ small droplets dispersed in the air must be very dense, to the naked eye to the extent visible. Therefore, it can be said that fog is formed by dispersing small droplets into the air, but can not say that small droplets are dispersed into the air and must be able to form a fog. Although concentrated NH3 volatilizes NH3 and water vapor in the air to form a small drop of ammonia, but the concentration of ammonia droplets dispersed in the air did not meet the minimum standard of formation of fog, that is, the naked eye is not visible, so no fog. Well, small droplets of hydrochloric acid can be densely dispersed in the air to form a white mist, why ammonia
以中电投本溪热电厂新建工程为例,对350 MW超临界供热机组热网换热器疏水回收系统提出2种可行的技术方案,并通过技术经济比较提出推荐方案,以供类似机组设计参考.
目前,MRI已经越来越多地应用于乳腺影像检查中[1-3]。美国放射学会(American College of Radiology,ACR)推荐乳腺MRI应用于筛选病例、评价疾病程度以及临床治疗评估。常规乳腺M