Nothing Is Easy

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  During this winter holiday, I have read a book called <The Old Man and the Sea>.It was written by the American well-known writer Ernest Miller Hemingway.And it is very well become one of the true classics of this generation.
  What it told was that an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days without catching a fish.It was the worst kind of luck, wasn’t it?However, the old man did't think so.Yeah,maybe everything about him was old except his eyes.They were cheerful and undefeated.
  Perhaps God was impressed with the unlucky man.One day, he finally caught a huge fish.But he didn't know it was the time to begin the battle.Then he felt something hard and unbelievably heavy.It was the weitght of the fish.He struck hard with both hands,gained a yard of line and then struck again and again,swinging with all the atrength of his arms and the weight of his body.However,nothing happened.The fish just moved away slowly and the old man couldn't raise it an inch. Fotunately, thank God he is traveling and not going down.
  Time goes by, the old man pulled the boat drift for a whole two days and nights, the elderly in the past two days and two nights had never experienced the hardships endured the test(his left hand had cramped for a long time), and finally the big fish to death, tied to the bow. Perhaps he is a funny old man.Then he began to pity the great fish that he had hooked.It was wonderfol and strange and who knew how old it was, he thought. “Never have I had such a strong fish nor one who acted so strangely.”He said.Was he lucky?Did he success?Sorry, there would be a problem what was more difficult!
  One big shark attacked!It was longer than the boat.He encouraged himself to be calm and strong.Nothing happened but he felt faint.At that time, he still held on to the great fish with his strength.Then his said to himself that “I cannot fail and die on a shark like this” So,he tried his best to take all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long-gone pride and he put it against the shark’s agony.
  Then the other shark attacked!He tried to be calm and told himself sailed on and took the shark when it came.
  While two sharks were both death, the old man found when he and the sharks were life-and-death struggle, the result of a shark or a big Marlins finished, the old trailer home last only a bare skeleton of the fish!
  Why didn't Hemingway let the old man to be successful at last? However, the answer was in the story, the old man said: “People do can be destroyed, but can not be defeated.”Yeah,that’s really right!People do can be destroyed, but can not be defeated! Although, humanity is  powerful, humans have their own limitations, but it is because such a Fisherman again and again to challenge the limits, beyond them.So ,you know, the biggest problem is not from others, is from ourselves.Face the problem!And we have learnt that it is good for us to regard the problems as challenge.The old man did, we can do it, too!
  Yeah,nothing is easy, but we must try our best to make the life much better. We will be the motherland’s future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.
  The old man said, “Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”
  And someone said, “Life itself is an endless pursuit,and it is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs.” However, if we become much braver, we will be a real winner!
【摘要】社会主义市场经济的发展和煤炭企业改革的进一步深化,既为企业女职工发展带来新的机遇,也给企业女职工的思想观念、就业环境、生活方式、社会地位等带来不可抗拒的冲击和挑战。提升女职工素质,既是企业新形势的客观要求,也是社会对女职工提出的新要求。  【关键词】煤炭企业;职工素质;探讨  近年来,煤炭企业针对一部分女职工存在着不思进取、混日子、跟不上企业发展的节奏等现象加强教育培训,从发展社会生产力、
【摘要】旅游业的发展带动了酒店业的繁荣和竞争,酒店对管理人才的需求不断增加。酒店管理人才需要具备较深的理论基础、灵活的管理方式、较强的涉外性等特点。作为培养酒店管理人才的大专院校,需要夯实酒店管理人才的理论基础;较强的实践能力;良好的外语交流和沟通能力。  【关键词】酒店管理;人才;涉外性  近几年,旅游业的快速发展带动了酒店业的繁荣和竞争。以鞍山为例,星级酒店由本世纪初的十几家发展到2013年末
【摘要】中国烹饪饮食保健文化形成年代,相当于考古学旧石器时代中、晚期以及新石器时代早期之无陶阶段。  【关键词】烹饪饮食保健;茹毛饮血;自然火;人工取火;遗址;文化遗存;脑量;生食;熟食;植物原料;动物原料;膳食结构;文化特征  一、中国烹饪饮食保健文化的形成期年代  中国烹饪饮食保健文化形成年代,相当于考古学旧石器时代中、晚期以及新石器时代早期之无陶阶段,古人类学早期智人和晚期智人时期,距今约2
【摘要】本文简述了新能源在汽车上运用的意义,分析了新能源汽车的特点、优势和发展现状,以及对未来新能源汽车前景的展望。  【关键词】新能源;清洁能源;排放控制;环保技术;可持续发展  1、新能源及新能源汽车的概念  新能源又称非常规能源。是指传统能源之外的各种能源形式。指刚开始开发利用或正在积极研究、有待推广的能源,如太阳能、地热能、风能、海洋能、生物质能和核聚变能等。  新能源汽车是指除汽油、柴油
【摘要】新能源汽车已经成为未来汽车产业的发展趋势。在被列入国家战略性新兴产业之后,我国的新能源汽车产业已经步入了快速发展期。文章经过分析,发现我国新能源汽车发展存在诸如战略方向不清晰、核心技术缺失及消费环境不完善等问题,并建议政府加大扶持力度,企业加快技术研发等相应改进措施,以期对我国新能源汽车产业的发展有所帮助。  【关键词】新能源汽车;核心技术;发展战略  一、前言  本文将基于汽车产业发展的
【摘要】美国通过国家洪水保险计划,将洪水保险作为国家管理洪泛区的重要手段,通过立法保障,在全国推行强制性洪水保险体制,取得了良好的效果。本文先对对美国国家洪水保险计划的创建背景、主要内容及重要演变进行简单的阐述,然后结合我国地震的情况,得出一些地震保险的启示。  【关键词】洪水保险;地震保险  美国国家洪水保险计划概要  美国国家洪水保险计划的宗旨是通过保险机制补偿洪水灾害损失;通过对各州和各社区
一、前言  星巴克(Starbucks)是美国一家连锁咖啡公司的名称,1971年成立,为全球最大的咖啡连锁店,其总部坐落美国华盛顿州西雅图市。星巴克旗下零售产品包括30多款全球顶级的咖啡豆、手工制作的浓缩咖啡和多款咖啡冷热饮料、新鲜美味的各式糕点食品以及丰富多样的咖啡机、咖啡杯等商品。星巴克在全球范围内已经有近12,000间分店遍布北美、南美洲、欧洲、中东及太平洋区。在短短数十年间,星巴克从一个名
【摘要】苏联共产党执政的党政一体化体制,存在难以克服的缺陷。其执政体制的理论缺陷是超越社会发展阶段的指导思想,错误地认识资本主义的变化,教条主义泛滥。其执政体制的核心问题是党的体制与国家体制的关系方面存在党政不分、以党代政。这是苏共亡党、苏联亡国的政治体制教训。  【关键词】苏联共产党;执政体制;党政领导;民主与集中  20世纪曾经是世界社会主义运动蓬勃发展的世纪。1917年,在帝国主义统治的薄弱