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目的监测清远市血吸虫病防治(下简称血防)中钉螺螺情变化,掌握清远市近年来血防工作的落实情况。方法按照广东省疾病预防控制中心的要求,清远市2002~2009年开展血吸虫病钉螺螺情监测,对监测结果进行汇总分析。结果通过8年的监测,在原血吸虫流行区共查荒地27 120 17.9m2,水沟112 661m,螺框24 4211框;设假螺点查可疑地区103 618m2,设标记螺点3 359框,查获2 312框,标记螺点查获率为68.83%;放标记螺15 083粒,查获8 240粒,标记钉螺查获率为54.63%;水下诱螺对34 526m,可疑水沟投放稻草框3 736框,回收3 156框,回收率为84.48%,回收杂螺78 105粒,平均24.75粒/框。以上监测均未发现活钉螺。结论清远市在原疫区未发现有残存的活钉螺及新感染的血吸虫病人,显示清远市消灭血吸虫病的成果巩固。 Objective To monitor the change of snails and snails in Qingyuan prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis (hereinafter referred to as blood-borne diseases) and to grasp the implementation of blood and air defense work in Qingyuan in recent years. Methods According to the requirements of CDC of Guangdong Province, snail snail surveillance of schistosomiasis was conducted in Qingyuan from 2002 to 2009, and the monitoring results were summarized and analyzed. Results Eight years of surveillance, a total of 27 120 17.9m2 of wasteland, 112 661m of ditches and 24 4211 snails were found in the endemic area of ​​the original schistosomiasis, 103 618m2 of suspicious snake suspicious areas were found, 3 359 boxes of snails were marked, and 2 312 boxes, marking the detection rate of 68.83% spiral points; place labeled 15 083 tablets, seized 8 240 tablets, labeled snails seizure rate was 54.63%; underwater snail on 34 526m, suspicious ditch straw box 3736 box, The recovery of 3 156 boxes, the recovery rate was 84.48%, the recovery of 78 spirulina 78, an average of 24.75 tablets / box. The above monitoring did not find live snails. Conclusion No surviving snails and newly infected schistosomiasis were found in Qingyuan City in the original epidemic area, which showed that the results of eliminating schistosomiasis in Qingyuan City were consolidated.
目的探讨我国主要流行的HIV-1 B’和CRF07_BC重组毒株感染者中和反应特征。方法采用基于Env假病毒的以表达CD4及CCR5/CXCR4的TZM-bl细胞系为靶细胞的中和抗体测定方法,测定40
目的 评价新一代氟喹诺酮类药物莫西沙星对耐多药肺结核病(MDR-PTB)的治疗作用.方法 将132例耐多药肺结核(MDR-PTB)患者随机分为治疗组66例和对照组66例;治疗组化疗方案以莫
目的 了解广西炭疽流行病学特征,为预防与控制本病提供科学依据.方法 对2000~2009年广西炭疽疫情报告及其相关资料进行回顾性分析.结果 广西炭疽病例每年均有发生.人间炭疽流
目的 测定我国间日疟原虫不同地理株红内期SSUrRNA基因序列,比较分析其分子特征.方法 收集深圳、海南、湖北和河南四地间日疟患者血样5份(其中海南2份),并提取核酸DNA,采用PC