黄冈地区 重点突破 整体推进

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1994年,湖北省黄冈地区公安机关共破获各类刑事案件11149起,其中,破重特大案件1520起,破获年前积案731起,隐漏案件1312起,协外破案645起,抓获刑事案犯8678名,追缴赃款及赃物折款共计909.23万元。侦办经济案件71起,为国家、集体和公民追回损失937万元。党委政府亲自督办破案公安工作必须以破案为中心的观念已成为黄冈地区党委、政府领导同志和全体公安干警的共识。地委、行署和各县市党政领导抓侦察破案工作态度鲜明,盯得紧,抓得实。地委书记田震亚经常过问恶性大案的侦破工作,主管政法工作的副书记刘友凡、政法委书记宛宗祥除经常在全局性的会议上要求县市党政重视和加强破案工作外,还亲自督办未破大案。1994年5月份,对全区1至4月未破大案列出50起建立台帐,8月份,又对1992年以来未破大案再立100起台帐,定责任领导,定责任专班,定责任人,限期破案,逐起督办。在他们的带领下,各县市党委、政府领导高度重视侦察破案工作,做到了思想上重视、工作上支持、生活上关心,特别是黄州、红安、浠水、武穴等县市 In 1994, a total of 11,149 criminal cases were uncovered in the Huanggang area of ​​Hubei Province, among which 1520 were smashed, of which 731 cases were cracked years ago, 1312 cases of hidden leaks, 645 cases of extra-judicial cases, and 8678 criminal cases were captured Name, the recovery of stolen money and stolen goods folded a total of 909.23 million. Investigated 71 economic cases and recovered 9.37 million yuan for the loss of state, collective and citizens. The concept that party committees and government themselves must supervise and handle public security work and must take the case-solving as the center has become the consensus reached by party committees and government leaders in Huanggang and all public security officers and police officers. Party committees and administrative commissions and county Party and government leaders caught reconnaissance and reconnaissance work with a clear attitude, stare tight, grasp real. Tian Zhenya prefectural party secretary often questioned the detection of a vicious big case, in charge of political and legal work Liu Youfan, Politics and Law Committee secretary Wanzong Xiang often in the general meeting of county and county party and government requirements and strengthen the detection of cases, but also personally supervision Break the big case. In May 1994, 50 unsettled major bills were set out for the entire district from January to April. In August, another 100 bills were set up for the unopened major cases since 1992, and the responsible leaders and responsible officials Class, will be responsible person, solve the case within a time limit, supervision by one. Under their leadership, the party committees and government leaders of counties and cities attached great importance to reconnaissance and case-solving work, and paid great attention to ideology, work support and life care, especially the counties and cities of Huangzhou, Hong’an, Xishui and Wuxue