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蝗害缘何又重来本刊编辑部1.蝗害又卷土重来今年春末夏初,我国部分地区特别是华北地区相继发生了蝗害。由于去冬今春特殊的生态条件,有利于蝗虫的生长和发育,今年夏蝗大发生,局部爆发,发生面积之大,密度之高,是六十年代以来所没有的。据农业部初步统计,山东、河... Why do locusts come back? Locusts are Coming Back This spring and early summer of this year, locusts have occurred in some areas of our country, especially in northern China. Due to the special ecological conditions of winter and spring, it is conducive to the growth and development of locusts. This locust locust occurred this year, with some local outbreaks, large area occurrences and high densities, which have not existed since the 1960s. According to preliminary statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, Shandong, the river ...
10月份以来,A股市场一路上攻。10月19日,上证综指收报3001.85,时隔半年之后,再次站上3000点。记者获悉,由孙建波亲自担纲的华商策略精选基金已经于10月20目起开始全国发行。据银河证券统计,截至10月19日,孙建波管理的华商盛世成长基金,以21.50%的收益率夺得冠军。  业内人士分析,孙建波投资以提前布局和灵活选股见长,与华商策略精选基金主题投资、行业轮动的投资策略充分契台,该基金的
目的:研究腺梗豨莶Siegesbeckia pubescens中二萜类的化学成分。方法:采用硅胶、凝胶和反相硅胶等色谱技术进行分离纯化,通过IR,MS,NMR等谱学方法确定化合物的结构。结果:分
本文从自我定位,学科定位,学生定位,社会氛围,心理氛围阐述对新教师自我意识的培养。 This article expounds the cultivation of new teachers’ self-awareness from self
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设计思维是我们在进行设计时大脑的整个思考过程。大脑的活动主要分为两个方面:一是了解和设计相关的信息;另一个是如何对这些信息进行进一步的思考,完成设计思路。 Design
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