新西兰位于太平洋西南部,介于南极洲和赤道之间。西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,相距1600千米,北邻汤加和斐济。由南岛、北岛和一些小岛组成。公元1 350年有一批毛利人乘6只独木舟从波利尼西亚来新西兰定居。1 642年荷兰航海家阿贝尔·塔斯曼到达新西兰海岸。他认为此岛很像荷兰北海中的泽兰岛,就把它命名为“新泽兰”。1769年至1777年间,英国航海家詹姆斯·库克先后5次到达新西兰。此后,英国移民增多,海岛的荷兰文的名字“新泽兰”被改成英文“新西兰”。
New Zealand is located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, between Antarctica and the equator. West across the Sea of Tasman Sea and Australia, 1600 km apart, north of Tonga and Fiji. By the South Island, North Island and some small islands. In 1950 a group of Maori came to New Zealand to settle in Polynesia from six canoes. 1 642 Dutch navigator Abel Tasman reached the coast of New Zealand. He considered the island much like Zeeland in the Dutch North Sea and named it “New Zeeland.” From 1769 to 1777, British navigator James Cook arrived in New Zealand five times in succession. Since then, the number of British immigrants has increased, and the island’s Dutch name “New Zealands” has been changed to English “New Zealand.”