An application of differential interference contrast in metallographic examination

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rowhwafo
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As one of the most exciting inspection and powerful analysis methods in modern materials metallographic examinations, the difference interference contrast (DIC) method has many advantages, including relatively low requirement for specimen preparation, obvious relief senses observed under microscope. Details such as fine structures or defects that are not or barely visible in incident-light bright field, could be easily revealed and thus make materials analysis more reliable. Differential interference contrast produces an image that can be readily manipulated using digital and video imaging techniques to further enhance contrast. But, studies of material metallography based on DIC method have rarely carried out. Based on the fundamental principle of the DIC method combing with the computer image analysis, applications of DIC method in materials metallographic examination were investigated in this study. As one of the most exciting inspection and powerful analysis methods in modern materials metallographic examinations, the difference interference contrast (DIC) method has many advantages, including relatively low requirement for specimen preparation, obvious relief senses observed under microscope. Details such as fine structures or defects that are not or barely visible in incident-light bright field, could be easily revealed and thus make materials analysis more reliable. Differential interference contrast produces an image that can be readily manipulated using digital and video imaging techniques to further enhance contrast. But, studies of material metallography based on DIC method have rarely carried out. Based on the fundamental principle of the DIC method combing with the computer image analysis, applications of DIC method in materials metallographic examination were investigated in this study.
新特别关注 安徽省六安市裕安区独山镇中心小学 在巍巍大别山的东部、淠史杭工程的源头——渭河岸边,坐落着一所普通的农村学校——六安市裕安区独山镇中心小学。近百年
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