Dispersion characteristics of fine particles in water,ethanol and kerosene

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lancer523
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Dispersion behavior of hydrophilic calcium carbonate particles and hydrophobic talcum particles in water, ethanol and kerosene media has been studied by sedimentation analysis. It is found that the dispersion of fine particles complies with the principle of polarity compatibility. That is to say, the dispersion effect will be improved when surface polarity of particles is similar to that of liquid media. The adsorption models of oleic acid on the surface of particles in water and ethanol are proposed. Dispersion behavior of hydrophilic calcium carbonate particles and hydrophobic talcum particles in water, ethanol and kerosene media has been studied by sedimentation analysis. It is found that the dispersion of fine particles complies with the principle of polarity compatibility. That is to say, the dispersion effect will be improved when surface polarity of particles is similar to that of liquid media. The adsorption models of oleic acid on the surface of particles in water and ethanol are proposed.
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