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“国无大小,忘战必危”。血染的抗战历史,必须铭记在心。习近平总书记7月7日参观《伟大胜利历史贡献》主题展览时强调,要牢记由鲜血和生命铸就的中国人民抗日战争的伟大历史,牢记中国人民为维护民族独立和自由、捍卫祖国主权和尊严建立的伟大功勋,牢记中国人民为世界反法西斯胜利作出的伟大贡献。牢记中国人民伟大的抗战历史,就是要以史为鉴,汇聚更多制约战争、维护和平的强大力量。值得警惕的是,时至今日,日本右翼势力仍然无视数以千万计在战争中牺牲的 “No country size, forget the war will be critical.” Blood-stained history of the war must be borne in mind. When visiting the theme exhibition entitled “Historical Contributions of Great Victory,” July 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must bear in mind the great history of the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression created by blood and life, keeping in mind that the Chinese people, in safeguarding their national independence and freedom, and safeguarding the sovereignty and dignity of their motherland Established great contributions, bearing in mind the great contribution the Chinese people have made to the world anti-fascist victory. Bearing in mind the great history of the Chinese people’s war of resistance, we must learn from history to bring together more powerful forces that will restrict the war and preserve the peace. It is worth noticing that, to this day, Japan’s right-wing forces still ignore tens of millions of people who sacrificed themselves during the war
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