抓住机遇 迎接挑战 为我省教育事业的发展做出更大贡献——贺《贵州教育》创刊60周年

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从1909年贵州出现教育报刊开始,贵州省境内出版过许多种类的教育报刊。其中,影响最大,持续时间最长,生命力最强的当属《贵州教育》。诞生于抗战烽火中的《贵州教育》,至今已走过了60年艰难曲折的历程。建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,《贵州教育》在省教委的领导下,坚持正确的办刊宗旨,积极宣传党和国家有关教育的方针政策、法律法规,宣传省委省政府对全省教育工作的重大决策和部署。刊物内容丰富多彩,贴近教育实践,贴近教师的工作、学习和生活,为“科教兴黔”战略的实施,为我省教育事业的发展做出了贡献。 即将来临的21世纪,是知识经济的时代,教育和科技将成为知识经济时代的中心。面对新世纪的机遇和挑战,党中央提出了“科教兴国”的战略决策,把教育放到优先发展的战略地位,教育事业的发展迎来了前所未有的大好时机。与我省教育事业的其他各项工作一样,《贵州教育》也将面临更多发展的机遇,时代的发展也向《贵州教育》提出了更高更新的要求,机遇与挑战同时并存,《贵州教育》要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,为我省教育事业的发展发挥更大的作用。为此,特对贵州教育报刊社的同志们讲几点意见。 Since the educational newspapers and periodicals appeared in Guizhou in 1909, many kinds of educational newspapers and periodicals have been published in Guizhou Province. Among them, the most influential, the longest duration, the most vitality is undoubtedly “Guizhou Education.” The “Guizhou Education”, which was born in the war of resistance against Japan, has gone through 60 years of difficult and complicated course so far. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the Provincial Education Commission, Guizhou Education actively upholds the party’s and state’s guidelines, policies, laws and regulations on education, and propagandizes provincial education on provincial education Major decisions and deployment of work. Publications rich and colorful, close to educational practice, close to the teacher’s work, study and life, for the “science and education revitalization of Guizhou” implementation of the strategy for the development of education in our province has made its contribution. The forthcoming 21st century is an era of knowledge economy. Education and science and technology will become the center of the era of knowledge economy. Faced with the opportunities and challenges of the new century, the party Central Committee has put forward the strategic decision of “rejuvenating the country through science and education” and put education in a strategic position giving priority to development. The development of education has ushered in an unprecedented golden opportunity. As with all other work in education in our province, “Guizhou Education” will face more opportunities for development. The development of the times also raises a new and higher requirement for “Guizhou Education”, and opportunities and challenges coexist. “Guizhou Education ”should seize the opportunity to meet the challenge and play a greater role in the development of education in our province. To this end, especially on Guizhou Education Press comrades to make a few comments.
孙大文 国家教委中小学教材审订委员会委员、上海中小学教材编审委员会副总编审、华东师大课程教材教法研究所所长张予帧 中国教育学会地理教学研究会名誉理事长,东北师范大
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在今年的第十二届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上,李克强总理提出了制定“互联网+”行动计划。他在政府工作报告中提出,“制定‘互联网+’行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场。”  什么是“互联网+”?  “互联网+”战略是全国人大代表、腾讯董事会主席兼CEO马化腾今年向人大提出的四个建议之一,马化腾解