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中药杜仲为杜仲科(Eucommiaceae)植物杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides,Oliv.)的乾燥树皮,是常用中药,祖国医药中早将它用作“补中益精气”、“坚筋骨”治疗“腰背痛”及“频惯堕胎”的药物。一般用作补中益气之品,有强壮和利尿的作用。近代国内外的研究表明,杜仲有很好的降血压作用,用以治疗高血压症,收到较好的疗效。因之愈益受到国内外有关方面的注意。通常杜仲药以树皮为主,但我国古代文献中也有初生嫩叶及花实可作为药用的记载。由于杜仲树生长十多年后,才能剥皮药用,皮剥树死,故长期供不应求。特别是无产阶级文化大革命后,在毛主席无产阶级医药卫生路线的光辉照耀下,全国医药卫生事业蓬勃发展,合作医疗普遍建立,需用量大增。十多年来杜仲生产虽有较大的发展,但仍远远不能满足国内医疗与出口任务的需要。遵照伟大领袖和导师毛主席“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应当努力发 Eucommia is a dry bark of the Eucommaceae eucommia ulmoides (Oliv.), a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. It was used by the Chinese medicine in the motherland medicine as a “repairing Zhongyi Jingqi” and “hardening bones” for treatment. Pain and frequent use of abortion drugs. It is generally used as a supplement to replenishing qi and has a strong and diuretic effect. Studies at home and abroad in modern times show that Eucommia has a good effect in lowering blood pressure, and it is used to treat hypertension and has received good results. As a result, it has become more and more noticed by relevant parties at home and abroad. Bark is usually the main ingredient of Eucommia ulmoides herb, but there are also records of primary leaves and flowers in ancient Chinese literature. Since eucommia ulmoides had been growing for more than a decade, it could be peeled off for medicinal purposes and the skin was stripped to death. Therefore, long-term supply was in short supply. In particular, after the proletarian cultural revolution, under the brilliant glorification of Chairman Mao’s proletarian medical and health line, the nationwide medical and health undertaking flourished, and cooperative medical care was generally established, requiring a substantial increase in usage. Although the development of Eucommia in the past more than a decade has made great progress, it is still far from meeting the needs of domestic medical and export tasks. According to the great leader and mentors Chairman Mao, “Chinese medicine is a great treasure house and should be made
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