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和静县属新棉区,自1994年开始小面积试验,示范种植棉花成功后,种植面积逐年扩大,1998年全县种植2000公顷,6666.7米~2产皮棉72千克。1999年,我们对本县棉花害虫种类进行了初步调查,主要有地老虎、叶螨、棉蚜、棉铃虫等。我县主要农作物有小麦、玉米、棉花、工业西红柿、甜菜、打瓜、油葵等。棉花播种面积一般占总播种面积的15%~25%,利于棉田轮作和安排好邻作。根据预防为主,综合防治的植保方针,结合本县农业生态系统特点,采取以下防治措施。1.调整作物结构、布局.改棉田大面积连片种植为粮棉邻作,增加棉田天敌的来源。我县小麦蚜虫主要为麦长管蚜,多年定点调查和大面积普查均未达到防治指标(500头/百穗),所以麦田不施药,从而保护了天敌,麦收后天敌转移棉田,有力控制了蚜害。2.秋耕冬灌,压低越冬基数。3.认真做好药剂处理种子工作,播前用0.3%敌克松拌种,适时 Hejing County is a new cotton area. Since 1994, a small area experiment has been started. After the successful demonstration of cotton cultivation, the planting area has been expanded year by year. In 1998, the county planted 2000 hectares of cotton and 72 kg of 6666.7 m ~ 2 cotton lint. In 1999, we conducted a preliminary investigation of cotton pest species in this county, mainly including tiger, spider mite, cotton aphid and cotton bollworm. My county main crops are wheat, corn, cotton, industrial tomatoes, beets, melon, sunflower and so on. The sown area of ​​cotton generally accounts for 15% ~ 25% of the total sown area, which is good for cotton rotation and arrangement of good neighborliness. According to the principle of prevention and comprehensive prevention and control of plant protection, taking the characteristics of the county’s agricultural ecosystem, the following preventive measures shall be taken. 1. Adjust the crop structure and layout Change the large area of ​​contiguous cotton fields to cotton and cotton crops adjacent to increase the source of natural enemies of cotton. Wheat aphids in our county are mainly wheat aphid, and both perennial sentinel surveys and large-area surveys did not reach the control index (500 heads per hundred spike) so wheat fields did not apply pesticides to protect their natural enemies. Aphid damage. 2. Autumn plowing winter irrigation, low winter base. 3. Do a good job of medicament seed treatment, before sowing with 0.3% of the enemy grams of pine seed dressing, timely
进入新世纪;山东国税在为纳税 人服务方面又迈出了一大步, 他们推出的多元化电子申报征收,不仅简化了税收征管手续;提高了工作效率,而且大大方便了纳税人办税,优化了税收服务,受到了
SD大鼠每天ip THB 30 mg·kg~(-1)共3 d或5 d后,使ADP诱导的血小板聚集程度降低;同剂量ip 1 d,3 d或5 d后,使AA诱导的血小板聚集程度降低,THB在体外抑制AA,ADP和胶原诱导的兔
农业部全国农业技术推广服务中心于 4月 2 4日在从化市召开了福建泰禾“天泰”产品全国推广会议暨防治蔬菜害虫示范现场会。推广中心农药药械处邵振润处长、省农业厅植保总站
一、试用期的说法一般新员工进入公司,都会有一个试用期。试用期是用人单位和劳动者相互了解、选择而约定的不超过六个月的考察期。这是公司对新员工的 First, the trial of
应用离体蟾蜍椎旁神经节(PVG)细胞内记录技术,研究了石杉碱甲(Hup-A)对胆碱能突触传递的影响。Hup-A 0.3或1 μmol·L~(-1)升高节前神经刺激诱发的顺行动作电位发放率并增强