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“文学主体性”问题是一个重要问题,关于这个问题的论争迄今已进行了六七年之久,其影响所及也远远超出文艺理论界.当刘再复最初提出这个问题时,著名文艺理论家陈涌同志就指出:“这不是一个小问题,这是一个关系到马克思主义在中国的命运,关系到社会主义文艺在中国的命运的问题.”春风文艺出版社最近出版的董学文同志的新著《两种文学主体观》,概括了两种文学主体观的内容,揭示了两种文学主体观对立的多层面的意义;作者运用了历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的方法,以实事求是的科学精神对这场论争进行了分析和研究.《两种文学主体观》一书认为,文学主体可以分为创作主体和接受主体,文学主体性也相应地分为创造主体性和接受主体性;同时文学主体性本身还有一个价值取向问题,即文学主体性的价值观问题. The issue of “literary subjectivity” is an important issue, and the controversy over this issue has been going on for so far six to seven years and its impact has far exceeded that of literary and art theorists. When Liu Zaifu first proposed this issue, the famous literary theorist Comrade Chen Yong pointed out: “This is not a minor issue, and it is a matter that concerns the fate of Marxism in China and the fate of socialist literature and art in China.” Recently, a new book by Comrade Dong Xuewen published by Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House “Two kinds of literary subject view” summarizes the contents of two kinds of literary subject view and reveals the multi-faceted significance of the contradiction between the two literary subjective concepts. The author applies the methods of historical materialism and dialectical materialism to the scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts Analyzes and studies this debate.According to the book “The Two Literary Views of the Subject”, the main body of literature can be divided into the creative subject and the receptive subject, and the literary subjectivity is divided into the creative subjectivity and the receptive subjectivity accordingly. Meanwhile, the literature Subjectivity itself also has a value orientation problem, that is, the subjectivity of literature.
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