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去年以来,新疆人民广播电台、乌鲁木齐市人民广播电台相继办起了“午间新闻”节目。增办午间新闻节目,是广播新闻改革的一个措施。我国的报纸一天出版一次,日报和晚报之间有十多个小时的空档,这恰恰是广播发挥独家优势的黃金时间。广播在这十多个小时中,可以随时播出新闻,把刚刚发生和正在发生的事,把昨晚和今早新闻事件的变化随时告诉听众,其他新闻媒介一般无法与之“抢时间”。国內许多电台办了正点新闻节目,就是为了更迅速及时地向听众传播最新消息。我区电台目前开办正点新闻还有一定困难,先办起午间新闻,也不失为发挥广播优势的好措施。午间大家正在吃饭、休息,听众比较集中,广播覆盖面也比较大,是收听率较高的一段时间,安排午间新闻节目,可以说是得天时、适人意的。 Since last year, Xinjiang People’s Broadcasting Station and Urumqi People’s Broadcasting Station have successively set up a “noon news” program. The addition of a midday news program is a measure of the reform of radio news. The newspapers in our country are published once a day, and there are more than a dozen hours of free space between the daily and evening newspapers. This is precisely the prime time for broadcasting to play an exclusive advantage. During these more than 10 hours, you can broadcast the news at any time, tell the audience what you have just happened and what is going on, and keep the audience informed about the changes in the news events last night and this morning. Other news media can not generally “rush ahead with time.” Many domestic radio stations have launched punctual news programs in order to disseminate the latest news to listeners more promptly and timely. There are still some difficulties in starting radio stations in our district now. Starting with midday news, it is a good measure to give full play to the advantages of broadcasting. Everyone is eating lunch, rest, listeners are more concentrated, radio coverage is relatively large, is a higher listening period for some time to arrange midday news programs, it can be said to be the best of time.