
来源 :抗癌之窗 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomjack110
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乳腺癌患者的营养要做到:一个限制:限制能量摄入;两个减少:减少红肉摄入,减少脂肪摄入;三个增加:增加果蔬摄入,增加谷物摄入,增加蛋白质摄入;良好的营养可以维持理想的体重、体型、体态与体能,使得患者可以减少复发风险,重返社会、重返生活。不可过度营养乳腺癌患者在饮食方面应该注意以下几点:1.配合治疗要灵活乳腺癌患者在手术前后应努力进餐、增加营养。在进行放、化疗期间,患者的饮食还应力求清淡适口,不宜多进厚味肥腻之品。2.合理安排巧烹调乳腺癌患者在完成治疗计划之后,适当选食对防治乳腺癌有益的食品,对治疗乳腺癌是十分必要的。多吃富含维生素A、C的蔬菜和水果。常吃含 Nutrition of breast cancer patients to achieve: a limitation: limit energy intake; two reduction: reduce red meat intake, reduce fat intake; three increases: increase fruit and vegetable intake, increase grain intake, increase protein intake Good nutrition can maintain the ideal weight, size, posture and physical fitness so that patients can reduce the risk of relapse, return to society and return to life. Do not over-nutrition Breast cancer patients should pay attention to the following points in the diet: 1. With the treatment to be flexible Breast cancer patients should strive to eat before and after surgery to increase nutrition. During the radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the patient’s diet should also seek to be light palatability, should not be more into the thick taste of fatty products. 2. Reasonable arrangements Clever cooking Breast cancer patients in the completion of the treatment plan, the appropriate food for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer is beneficial to the treatment of breast cancer is very necessary. Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A, C. Eat regularly
目的:   肺癌是当今世界癌症相关发病率和死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤,2008年有160万新发肺癌,有140万人死于肺癌。非小细胞肺癌是肺癌的主要类型,占肺癌的近85%。然而大多数早期肺
目的:  恶性肿瘤一直以来严重威胁着我们人类的身体健康,尤其近年来肿瘤发病率呈现逐渐增高趋势,而且发病群体越来越年轻化。为此,人们针对肿瘤发病机制与治疗做了很多研究。许
乔治·拜(George Bye)的父母都是飞行员.他从小就一直有着冲向云霄的梦想.在华盛顿大学学习土木工程时,他与美国空军的后备军官训练团一起进行了训练,并终于得偿夙愿.20世纪8