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婴幼儿时期是身体和智力发展的主要阶段,而幼儿园的任务是:实行保育与教育相结合的原则,对幼儿实施智、德、体、美诸方面全面发展的教育,促进其身心和谐发展。由此可见,保育工作在托幼机构占有很重要的位置。坚持“保教并重,保教结合”的原则,以促进幼儿健康快乐发展为目标,完善保育工作。一、抓好常规,做细做实重视常规工作,健全制度,是确保保育工作的稳步落实。依据 Infants and young children are the main stages of physical and intellectual development. The task of nursery schools is to implement the principle of combining childcare with education, to educate young children on the all-round development of intelligence, morality, sports and beauty, and to promote the harmonious development of both body and mind. It can be seen from this that childcare work occupies a very important place in kindergartens. Adhere to the principle of “equal emphasis on patriarchal education, protection of education and integration of education” as the goal, and promote the healthy and happy development of young children, and improve conservation work. First, do a good job routine, careful attention to routine work, improve the system is to ensure the steady implementation of conservation work. in accordance with
Cell-free system is interesting and useful for studying nuclear assembly in mitosis. Atomic force micro- scopy (AFM), which is a simple way for imaging fixed re
A large area neutron detector to detect the energy of about 1 GeV neutron by time-of flight method will be installed at RIBLL II of CSR. To obtain good energy r
The FDD-1 system developed by CIAE for on-line monitoring fuel rod failure of nuclear power plantconsists of γ-ray detector, γ-ray spectrum analyzer, compute
The study of damage evolution in silicon carbide bombarded with energetic helium ions is important for the use of this material in future fusion reactors. Heavi