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1 案情简介高××(男,19岁),1996年初随哥哥到某村租房做烧鸡生意,1997年9月31日,其哥、嫂回家收秋,留下死者照料生意.10月2日中午,邻居王某发现大门上锁,未见高××出入,14时许叫孩子从后院土墙爬入,发现高××已死在床上,随即报案.2 现场勘查和尸体检验(1)现场位于村南北大街东侧44号院内,院门为双扇内开铁皮门,门上挂锁.北房门半开,屋内地面上有烟头3枚、啤酒瓶盖两个.高××头西足东侧卧位死于床上,在尸体南侧有半块搓板,床下有半块搓板均沾有血迹.在靠北墙的三屉桌上放有白色油漆桶一个,碗两个分别盛有吃剩的油炸花生米和香菜炒鸡蛋,茶杯二个,杯底可见啤酒干渍.3个抽屉及屋内物品均被翻动.门外有刚喝完的空啤酒瓶两个,厕所内有菜刀一把.技术人员用物理和化学方法,在空啤酒瓶和油漆桶上提取到五枚汗液手印.同时还捺取了尸体及接触过现场的有关人员的十指指纹. 1 case profile High × × (male, 19 years old), early 1996 with his brother to a village rented chicken business, September 31, 1997, his brother, sister home autumn, leaving the deceased to take care of business. Noon on the 2nd, the neighbor Wang found the door locked, no high × × access, 14:00 called the children climbed into the wall from the backyard and found that high × × has died in bed, then reported .2 site investigation and body examination ( 1) The scene is located in the village on the east side of the village of 44 North South Hospital, the hospital door is a double open iron door, the door padlocks.Beijing North Gate half open, there are three cigarette butts on the ground, two beer bottle caps. Head west of the West lying in bed lying in the bed, in the corpse south of half a washboard, half a washboard under the bed stained with blood in the north wall of the three drawers put a white paint bucket, a bowl of two respectively Sheng There are leftover fried peanuts and cilantro scrambled eggs, two cups, the bottom of the bottom of the beer can be seen dry stains .3 drawers and house items have been turned outside the door just finished empty beer bottles two, the toilet has a kitchen knife A technician to use physical and chemical methods, in the empty beer bottles and paint bucket to extract five sweat fingerprints, but also took away the body and contact with the scene about Ten fingerprints of personnel.
10月28日下午1点,由北京天街集团,北京市建筑设计研究院,天安时间当代艺术中心联合主办的r城南计划一前门东区201 4'论坛及学术研讨会在北京市规划展览馆举行。论坛由清华大