
来源 :中国科技期刊研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqjianshen
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为求廓清中国科技期刊源流,运用文献考证方法、科学史研究方法,在世界期刊文化和中、西期刊交汇及中国传统新闻出版文化的背景下,系统考察了中国科技期刊的发生和发展。界定了中国最早的科技期刊,提出了受唐宋以来千余年间报纸出版形式的启发、受近千年来丛书、丛刊图书出版的启发、西方传教士的“上帝赐予”式启发的三大源流说,提出了古代报刊、书刊同源发展时期(从唐代开元年间至清代中期,分化离析时期(从清中期至清末),成型和初具规模时期(清末民初至抗日战争爆发),破坏和复苏期(抗日战争时期和抗战胜利后至1949年),稳步发展时期(1949~今)等五大历史分期,并同中西期刊起源的异同作了分析。 In order to clarify the origin of Chinese sci-tech periodicals, using the method of literature research and the history of science, under the background of the world journal culture, the intersection of Chinese and western periodicals and the traditional Chinese press and publication culture, the author systematically investigated the occurrence and development of Chinese sci-tech periodicals. It defines the earliest scientific and technological periodicals in China and proposes the enlightenment of the publication form of newspapers for over a thousand years since the Tang and Song dynasties. Inspired by the publications of books and periodicals in the past millennium, the three missionaries inspired by Western missionaries Great source said that put forward the ancient newspapers, books and period of homology (from the opening of the Tang Dynasty to the middle of the Qing Dynasty, separation and segregation (from the middle period to the late Qing Dynasty), molding and beginning of the scale of the period ), Destruction and recovery period (during the Anti-Japanese War and after the War of Resistance Against Japan to 1949), the period of steady development (1949 ~ present), and the similarities and differences between the origins of Chinese and Western journals.
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