
来源 :北京教育(普教版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skywing_wing
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1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国正式成立。60周年过去,新中国巍然屹立在世界东方,成为推动世界和平与进步的伟大力量。伟大的力量来自伟大的教育。中国基础教育作为中华民族伟大复兴的千秋基业,以大面积扫除文盲为起点,以全面提升中国人口素质为目的,以大力开发人力资源为目标,历经60年艰辛创立、探索、改革与发展,已经从“文盲大国”一跃而成为当今世界上受教育人口最多、规模最大、发展最快的教育大国。联合国教科文组织发布的《2006全民教育全球监测报告》显示,截至2002年,中国全民教育发展指数(EDD)上升为0.954,在121个被监测国家中排名第38位,首次进入全民教育发展高指数国家行列。中国全民教育发展指数不但高于印度、巴西等8个人口大国,也高于以色列、葡萄牙、科威特等高收入国家和地区。2005年,中国人均预期受教育年限达到11.3年,超过世界平均水平,开始迈向转型国家。中国基础教育60年的伟大实践与辉煌成就,既是中华民族努力实现民族伟大复兴的见证,也是人民大众对全民教育本质、内涵认识不断深化的伟大觉醒。 October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China was formally established. In the past 60 years, the new China stands tall in the east of the world and becomes a great force for promoting world peace and progress. Great power comes from great education. As the foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, starting from the goal of sweeping away illiteracy on a large scale, China’s basic education has the objective of vigorously developing its human resources. After 60 years of difficult establishment, exploration, reform and development, From the “illiterate big country ” jumped into the world’s most educated population, the largest and fastest growing educational power. The UNESCO EFA Global Monitoring Report 2006 released by UNESCO shows that as of 2002, China’s Education for All (EDD) rose to 0.954, ranking 38th among the 121 monitored countries and entered the EFA high for the first time Index country ranks. China’s EFA development index is not only higher than that of eight populous countries such as India and Brazil, but also higher than those with high incomes such as Israel, Portugal and Kuwait. In 2005, the average per capita expectancy of education in China reached 11.3 years, surpassing the world average and moving towards a transitional country. The great practice and brilliant achievements of the 60 years of basic education in China are not only the testimony of the Chinese nation in its efforts to bring about the great rejuvenation of the nation, but also the great awakening of the people on the deepening of the essence and connotation of education for all.
【正】 正如谈起元杂剧不得不首论关汉卿,研究明杂剧,也不能不提徐渭。前者“初为杂剧之始”(朱权《太和正音谱》),对北杂剧有创体之功;后者《四声猿》则“代表了明代杂剧的
提出一个任意多边形的裁剪算法 ,并将其用于工程图装配的二维消隐。