
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyong09
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1996年7月28日至8月15日,由卫生部全国地方病防治办公室组成调研组,赴青海、新疆调查有关鼠疫防治及监测工作。工作期间详细听取了各省地方病防治办公室和专业所(站)等有关方面工作汇报,看望了在一线辛勤工作的鼠防人员,深入了解了鼠防人员的待遇,察看了他们工作和生活环境,并对今后的鼠防工作提出了要求和建议。共调查了3个国家级监测点,2个省级监测点,1个县级监测点。1 基本概况 青海省是文化经济欠发达地区,地域辽阔,人烟稀少,全省总面积72万km~2,平均海拔3000m以上,总人口476万。其中少数民族占42.5%,1个省级地方病防治研究所,3个州(地)级地方病防治研究所,其余42个(地)县防疫站设有地方病科。全 From July 28, 1996 to August 15, 1996, the research team of the National Office of Endemic Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health formed a research team to go to Qinghai and Xinjiang to investigate the prevention and control of plague. During the work period, he listened in detail to the reports on the endeavors of endemic diseases prevention and control offices and stations (stations) in various provinces, visited the mice and staffs who worked hard in the field, got a deep understanding of the treatment of the mouse-defense personnel, observed their work and living environment, and Put forward the requirements and suggestions for the future rat prevention work. A total of three state-level monitoring points, two provincial-level monitoring points, a county-level monitoring points. 1 Basic Profile Qinghai is a culturally underdeveloped region with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. The total area of ​​the province is 720,000 km ~ 2, with an average elevation of over 3000m and a total population of 4.76 million. Among them, ethnic minorities account for 42.5%, 1 Provincial Institute of Endemic Disease Control and Prevention, 3 state (prefecture) -level Institute for Prevention and Treatment of Endemic Diseases, and 42 epidemic prevention stations in other prefectures have local endemic diseases. all
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