
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaosww
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A micro-oxygen-boinb calorimeter with a bomb of 4.8 cm3 internal volume was constructed in our laboratory. About 10 mg of sample was needed for each combustion experiment.The energy equivalent of this calorimeter was determmed with electric energy. The standard diviation of mean from 5 measurements was 0.02 %.The enthalpies of combustion of pure C60 and C70 were determined, kJ. mol-1,kJ·mol. The enthalpies of formation of the two compounds were derived. Using the Laidlertype bond parameters for aromatic hydrocarbons, the estimated strain energies in C60 and C70 molecules were close each other and close to the estimated value from the model compound, corannulene. A micro-oxygen-boinb calorimeter with a bomb of 4.8 cm3 internal volume was constructed in our laboratory. About 10 mg of sample was needed for each combustion experiment. The energy equivalent of this calorimeter was determmed with electric energy. The standard diviation of mean The enthalpies of combustion of pure C60 and C70 were determined, kJ. mol-1, kJ · mol. The enthalpies of formation of the two compounds were derived. Using the Laidlertype bond parameters for aromatic hydrocarbons, the estimated strain energies in C60 and C70 molecules were close each other and close to the estimated value from the model compound, corannulene.
一、引言 利用風力这一完全免費的能源来进行提水工作,在农业及畜牧业上都有它广闊的前途,尤其对風力資源丰富或交通不便而又缺乏地方燃料的地区,其效果就更加突出了。 在农
1998年第三期《百年潮》发表的章立凡先生《毛诗漫品》一文,持论客观,见解精辟,读后受益良多。末章“存疑”一则,尤深有同感。  1996年新版《毛泽东诗词集》新收17首诗词,“出版说明”称绝大部分是依据作者身边工作人员当年按手稿照录的抄件刊印的,这些手稿没有保存下来;抄件有些是经作者审定过的,有些则没有。鉴于不能排除可能有当初毛氏所录别人(或替别人修改)的作品或是别人寄给毛的诗词(现在所知,这些情
苏联的很多油田在油井并自喷开采的条件下,广泛地应用保持油层压力的方法,可以不断地增加石油产量,特别是在新的采油区更是如此。 油并山喷开采的理论使得能够通过计算的方法
良好的氮化工艺控制能提高模具氮化质量和使用寿命,降低成本,增强竞争力。本文就挤压模具氮化原理及工艺控制进行论述。 Good nitriding process control can improve the q