
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfteu
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粉体搅拌桩是采用搅拌机械,直接将粉体材料与天然地基土就地强制搅拌,从而形成固体混合物的一种软土地基加固措施。文章以苏州中环快速路建设为例,采取粉体搅拌桩固化河塘软基土质层,提高地基的整体承载力。按照路基主线段粉体搅拌桩工艺进行施工,使软弱的土硬结成具有整体性、水稳定性和相当强度的加固体,提高其强度,从而起到加固地基的作用。 Powder mixing pile is the use of mixing machinery, powder materials and natural ground directly to force the local agitation, forming a solid mixture of soft ground reinforcement measures. Taking the Central Expressway construction in Suzhou as an example, the article takes the powder mixing pile to solidify the soft soil layer of river ponds to improve the overall bearing capacity of foundation. In accordance with the main line of subgrade powder mixing pile construction process, the weak soil hard to form a holistic, water stability and considerable strength of the reinforcement, to enhance its strength, and thus play the role of strengthening the foundation.
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目的 通过对窒息新生儿表皮生长因子(Epidermal growth factor,EGF)、神经降压素(Neurotensin,NT)、生长抑素(Somatostatin,SS)的水平监测,EGF、NT、SS水平与临床因素关系的研究,探
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脑电图是检查小儿脑瘫的主要方法 ,但文献报道脑电图诊断的异常率差别较大 ,为 4 0 %~ 90 %。本分析这种异常率差别的原因。旨在为临床治疗提供论据。1 资料与方法 患者 14
Chitosan, as a kind of natural polymer, has many advantages, such as abundant sources, biological degradation, no secondary contamination and facile modificatio