Expression of nuclear factor- κB in traumatic cataract

来源 :Chinese Journal of Traumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a285074984
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Objective: To study the differences in expression of nuclear factor-κB ( NF-κB ) between human traumatic cataract and normal lenticular epithelial cells. Methods: Total RNA of anterior capsule specimens was taken under the microscope from normal cadaveric eyes donors and those suffering from traumatic cataract to make semi-quantitative RT-PCR and conduct analysis of differences in expression of NF-κB between them. Results: As compared with the mean of 0.8337 in normal control group, the expression equivalent of NF-κB was 0.9074 for the lenticular epithelial cells in traumatic cataract sufferers, and the differences are of noticeable significance (t=2.447, P<0.05) accordingly. Conclusions: NF-κB is likely a kind of transcription factor necessary to maintain metabolism of normal lenticular epithelial cells. Higher NF-κB available in the traumatic cataract sufferer’s lenticular epithelial cells means NF-κB is of possible relevance to occurrence and development of traumatic cataract. Objective: To study the differences in expression of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) between human traumatic cataract and normal lenticular epithelial cells. Methods: Total RNA of anterior capsule specimens was taken under the microscope from normal cadaveric eyes donors and those suffering from Results: As compared with the mean of 0.8337 in normal control group, the expression equivalent of NF-κB was 0.9074 for the lenticular epithelial cells in traumatic cataract sufferers, and the differences are of noticeable significance (t = 2.447, P <0.05) accordingly. Conclusions: NF-κB is likely a kind of transcription factor necessary to maintain metabolism of normal lenticular epithelial cells. Higher NF- κB available in the traumatic cataract sufferer’s lenticular epithelial cells means NF-κB is of possible relevance to occurrence and development of traumatic cataract .
题目编号:20100704积分赏金:10元/10元挑战者:新疆/王彦霖原题重现:谁能整出最有效阵型,当然最BT阵型也可!这个阵型是我自己发明的,不过如果有谁的想法跟我一样的话, Title
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