两年前那场灾难,定格了很多人哭泣的瞬间。两年过去了,灾区已旧貌换新颜,无论是灾区群众,还是援建人员,那一张张经历过悲痛洗礼的面孔,面对如今灾后重建的成绩和生活的日渐美好,无一不重焕笑颜。 When looking at those who have been badly affected by the Wenchuan earthquake, all we find are smiles, co
摘要:在构筑和运作基于PKI的安全基础设施过程中,随着PKI应用领域的不断扩大,出现了多种为满足不同团体应用的信任模型,选择适当的信任模型是构筑PKI基础设施初级阶段的重要问题。结合实例,总结各种模型的各项性能指标,提出局部同构无根的信任模型(Identity authentication system based on theno Root CA and isomorphisrrl,NRIS),
It’s only several days before the World Cup in South Africa kicks off (开始). Are you ready for this big football carnival (狂欢节)? Hi, My name is Zakumi. I’m a leopard(豹). I’m the mascot (吉祥物) for this